(c h a p t e r ♡ e i g h t)

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Christina's pov.

I woke up at like 9 am, corbyn on his phone and amelia snuggled to his side shaking. "Corbs she's shaking" he looked down and her lips were purple.
I quickly got up and got water to wake her up a bit, and a blanket to make her stop shaking. I would've waken up dani but since he's sleeping and ignores her i didn't call anyone and stayed with corbyn. She suddenly woke up and went to my side, still shaking like a little baby chick. "You okay bum?" She looked up and clinged to me more. "I don't  feel go-" she stopped talking and threw up on me and the sheet.
I would yell "WTF EW GET HER OFF" but i didn't which is surprising. I saw corbyn cringe and run to the bathroom coming back with a towel and swiftly picked up amelia and put the towel in front of her, she threw up again, her lips less purple.
"Go take a shower I'll take care of her" i got up, holding my shirt far from me and jumped in the shower taking a really quick one before going back to corbyn.
He layed amelia down on a pillow, on her side, a towel next to her in case while he came back with other sheets. "She threw up for about 3 time when you were in the shower" i nodded and sat next to her, my hand on her back. She was still shaking a bit, her hand close to her mouth and eyes closed, "poor baby" i took the hair out of her face and corbyn sat next to me. "Should we go to the store a buy her some medicine" i nodded and got up taking her in a bundle of blankets and going to gabbie and jack's room to ask if she had any medicine left.

"Hewooo" i said entering their room, lav was on jack watching cartoons on his phone and gabbie was doing her hair. "hey chris, corbs" she saw amelia Holding on corbyn with no more blankets, he motioned me that she threw up again so i nodded. "Do you have any medicine for amelia, she keeps throwing up" she nodded and skipped to the bathroom coming back with medicine. "There, there's a bit left" i thanked her, while she patted softly amelia's back and went back to her hair. She slowly put her head up and whispered something to corbyn, who ran in the bathroom. She came back really pale so i decided that i was gonna go to the stores alone and come back.

3rd person' s view.

"Uncle bean, i no feel good" he smiled softly and kissed her head, "i know baby, i know" they stayed for a while on the couch, amelia over him with a blanket covering her and a trash bin next to them. Zach plopped down next to them at the same time she threw up for the 8th time in the morning. "Ew" he cringed and got up. "It wont kill you zach" said corbyn rolling his eyes. After a while everyone was downstairs to eat breakfast. They wondered why corbyn wasn't eating, or why christina wasn't there. They also saw the state of amelia, looking like a zombie in corbyn's arms, who didn't really seem to care about the puke. Zach was next to them trying to cheer her up. But she didn't really seem to bug and turned her head the other side and snuggled a bit more to corbone. (Lmao) daniel thought she was sleeping do she let ther stay on bean and continue his eating. Corbyn saw him stare at them then eating causing him to slightly roll his eyes. "Uncle bean i feel icky" he looked at her and saw her lips were now purple again and took her fast upstairs.
He ran a hot bath for her, taking of her small pjs and sitting her in the bath.
"This will make you feel better okay" she shook her head quickly before pointing at the trash and puking. "Hm, you aren't that hot" he said putting his hand on her forehead. He took the thermometer and put it in her mouth, seeing she was under the avarage temperature since she was in a hot bath. "Hm... maybe the flu"
She soon fell asleep on his hand and he took her out of the water, wrapping her in a fluffly towel and holding her closely for a while waiting for christina to come back.

"IM HERRREEE" she said bursting in the house, everyone in the living room, doing lives and the youngest watching the corpse bride. Myta and carrie were in the kitchen making lunch. Saskia was next to corbyn and amelia, kristen and keri were outside preparing the table since it was sunny outside and somehow really hot. So they were going in the pool later on. Sometimes everyone would go and help before getting scowled at and going back to the living room. "Sorry for taking a lot of time" she said sitting next to him. "I went to three pharmacies and they were all closed since it was too early until i went to one and it was open so here" she motioned amelia to open her mouth her gave her the medicine. She made a disgusted face before burying her head in saskia's arms.

She soon felt a bit better, enough to eat three bites of a sandwich keri had made to her. "No more" she said to Christina, "alright" she snuggled again to her and it was time for her medicine again. After a while she drank cold water and felt a bit more boosted. She walked around for a while before going back to corbyn and christina and staying close to them. Amelia fell asleep again and stayed on the couch, next to jack's back. "Why are her lips purple?", they shrugged. He went to touch her and she was freezing cold, scaring him a bit, "she's freezing!" Christina frowned and bend down at her height and touched her arm. "We should go to the doctors" corbyn nodded, went upstairs took her bag, (she still wear pull ups, just in case.. she 2 right) they went to the door but got stopped by the others. "Were you going?" Asked zach, "to the hospital, she's not getting better" they all nodded, "why?"
Asked daniel walking up to them, "i dont know you tell me" corbyn rolled his eyes and opening the door and ran to the car with amelia in his arms, christina following behind.

"Are you her parents?" Asked a doctor coming from a room, they both shook their head, "aunt, uncle" the doc nodded. "It isn't bad, she'll need these tho" christina grabbed the bottle of medicine. "Soo, what does she have?"....

adopted by daniel seavey ♡Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon