(c h a p t e r ♡ n i n e)

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3rd person's pov.

"So, what does she have?" The doctor took a breath, "i promise it aint that bad, but has she been exposed to really cold water like a cold bath for a long time, even just her feet in really cold water for more than a hour?" Both corbyn and christina shrugged, "i dont think so... i remember jonah and tate giving her a bath and she was freezing, so they took her out quickly from the bath" said corbyn, making the doctor write on a few papers, "anything else?", "well, um yesterday she kinda locked herself in the bathroom and said she's was gonna live there.. dont know why and she stayed in the bathroom for a long time and we heard the water running multiple times. We do have a key to open the door, but she was sleeping so she woke up and pushed us out" the doctor nodded and asked them another question, "is there any impact in her life now?", they looked at each other and nodded, sure they could've asked daniel before saying this but they didn't and answered the doctor's  question anyway. "Uh, well you see her dad's  been dating someone and the girl said it was fine for her to be her mother and amelia kinda took it badly and doesn't talk to her dad anymore" the doctor nodded again. "Well she sorta got an ippotermia really small one because of the cold water, in any type of form and the impact shocked her because of the stress, you know when a child isn't really comfortable with someone they might cry and everything but the stress that she has is because of replacement. She's afraid so her body reacts to her stress and make her sick" corbyn and christina nodded and the doctor gave them another type of medicine. "This one is for her ippotermia and these is to stop a bit her body from reacting badly to any type of impact in her life. For her father, you can try to make her talk to him again and make her a bit less uncomfortable with  her new mom" christina nodded and thanked him, the doctor showed them amelia's room.

"Helloooo" amelia looked up and smiled a bit seeing bean in front of her. She had the needle in her arm removed and could go home. "Am i really sick?" Corbyn nodded a bit sitting her in her booster seat. "Just a tiny bit", "do i take medicine now?" Corbyn nodded again, amelia making a sad face. He kissed her cheek and went in front driving. Arriving home, christina had an interview for a model agency, kay and zach were on a date, lavender,gabbie and jack were out for a family vlog for gabbie's channel. Tatum and jonah were watching a movie upstairs half asleep and corbyn  got a call from his mom who was at the mall with all the boys moms and siblings. Leaving amelia alone with daniel and aurora. Again.
"Now. You fucking look for her or I'll chop your dick off" daniel nodded quickly and christina smiled evilly, "good." Then she leaved, leaving corbyn alone to change his shoes. "Uncle corby, no leave me" he bended at amelia's height and gave her a big hug. "I'll be back soon, dont worry" he leaved and lia cried quietly by the door. Aurora went to take her hand but she got her hand get slapped away by the two year old. Dani went to her and picked her up. her staying stiff as a board.
"What's wrong?" She wiggled out of his arms and went upstairs to her room.
"What's wrong with her" asked his girlfriend, looking up the stairs, seeing her now daughter go in her room and close the door. "I'll go talk to her" she nodded and let the blue eyes boy pass by her and run up the stairs. Quietly he opened the door and saw amelia with her blanket on top of her, he sat down on her bed taking the blanket out of making her glare at him and try to get it back. "No uh" he said holding the purple blanket where she couldn't reach. She kept jumping and pushing him away to get it and try to fall asleep. "Why you doing this?" She said, sitting down, tears brimming her eyes. Daniel soon realized and held it back down. She took it carefully and wrapped herself in it and turning away from him. Wiping her tears. "Babes what's wrong?" He asked his daughter. She got up and pushed him away, "go way" she cried hitting him, he grabbed her arms softly and pulled the two year old to his chest, she sobbed holding to his shirt. Fighting back. Dani shushed her by humming a song, swaying her  a bit in his arm. 'What's wrong cookie?" She looked up and hit in him the face before getting out of his arms and running away. Downstairs she ran and hid behind the couch. Dani following her.
She felt herself getting picked up. Aurora was holding her, making her fight back and hit her in the face. She took her hand and said, "dont hit" sternly. Amelia glared at her, "you not my mommy, you no say what i have to do!" She hit her again but getting out of her grab by daniel who was holding her hands to her side to make her stop hit. "Stop" she flinched and looked down, crying again. He soon remembered and held her tightly. Going upstairs again to her room.

"Bub, i need you to listen to me okay?" She nodded and tried to look away, "please tell me what's wrong" she shook her head no and he sighed. "You can go night night with me and mommy will go to her house", "she not my mommy" he sighed again. "Right.. okay". He stared at her waiting for a small answer. She felt stared and blurted out what she's been thinking all these days."do you love me?" His stomach flipped and he scooted a bit closer to lia. "Of course, you my daughter and i love you very much" she looked down to her hands, "but you inore me, and y- you always with rora" he sighed, "im sorry bub, i didn't know i was doing that" she shot him a glare again. "Yes you do! I got icky and you no care!" He sighed and tried ro hold her again. "I thought you were sleeping in corby's arms, im sorry bum" she nodded and wrapped her small arms around his neck. "You forgive me bub"
Amelia nodded, "i fogive you" she then thought at something else. "Will you repace me?" He looked confused and shook his head no. "Why would you think that baby?" "I dunno... you fogave me a bit cos rora but if something else happen, you repace me?" He shook his head no and pulled her close to him. "I promise I'll never replace you, even if someone else goes in my life someday, you'll be my only baby okay"
She held out her pinky to him. "Pinky pomise", "pinky promise"..

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