(c h a p t e r ♡ t e n)

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3rd person's view.

Its been two weeks since the boys were out. They went to different places, but only them, not with amelia. Leaving her with their girlfriends. And also mothers.
"Does daddy go home now?" Asked amelia for the thousandth time today.
Christina and kay groaned a bit knowing if they said no, Amelia wouldn't stop crying until they called the boys. They wanted to leave the boys alone for a bit. Letting them have fun. "I think so.... do you want to go to the mall with us bub?" Asked kay quietly, not wanting to talk loudly and having reese yell 'zachy said he was not going home today!!' Amelia nodded and got up from the couch, ready to jump but getting caught the second after. "No jumping from the couch, you could get hurt and your dad would kill us, you know that" said gabbie sneering at her a bit. Amelia nodded and held into her, who soon helped her put on her shoes.

"When daddy go home?" All the girls groaned and amelia looked at them, smad written in her eyes. "Soon" said gabbie, continuing to push lav's stroller."that not a day" they all groaned again, making lia more smad. "Look, we dont know... How about you stay quiet alright and we leed the way!" Amelia pushed aurora's hand off her shoulder and looked mad at everyone, like a little gremlin. "You all mean!" She pouted and turned around hoping to find the way out. She walked and walked until she felt her arm get pulled. "Stop being a brat!" Whisper/yelled aurora, picking her up like she hadn't said nothing wrong. Amelia cried and cried hoping that Christina or someone could take her instead. At the sight, tate sighed and took her from aurora's arms, "you're hurting her!" She said, a hand on top of her small head trying to soothe her cries down. "How?" Tatum pulled amelia's shirt a bit and showed red marks where aurora's been holding her tightly. "Sorry, i thought i wasn't hurting her, my mom used to hold us like that" explained aurora.
"Did she drop you too? Is that why you've been acting so stupid and hurted a baby?!" Said kay, getting ready to jump at her and hit her. But got held back by gabbie. "No?" They all sighed and soon amelia's cries soothed down, but still holding tightly to her. "She's a baby! You cant be that hard with her" said christina trying to make the situation less hard. She nodded and soon they went home.  By the time they got there, Christina called corbyn to tell him a happy birthday, (im late im sOwWy) amelia also talking with her dad for a while, him also talking with aurora. But feeling something off about her. Amelia soon fell asleep, drooling on tate's hand. Tatum actually took a picture and posted it since everyone knew about her, and they didn't hate somehow. "Wakey wakey" she heard kay whisper she shot up and put her hands up. At home, christina accidentally hit amelia on her nose with the door, thinking that the two year old was already inside.
"Omg, omg, omg im gonna die, this is the end of me. What will they say?! Will they go to my funeral?! Omg, omg im too young for this! Daniel is gonna kill me, so are the others... should i call corbyn, he's big brain" kept saying christina holding her hands to her head, ranting to herself. Amelia put her small hand on her nose, her hand full of blood. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT DO I DO?!" Everyone went to see, rachel and sam taking amelia to the closest bathroom, Christina running around like a headless chicken. "Chris calm down, corbs calling, stay normal" the more she tried to stay normal, the less subtle she was. "CHRISTINA" called sam, by the bathroom door, she flinched and almost dropped her phone. "What's going on? Is something wrong?" Tina didn't awnser and passed her phone to tate, "hellur"
Christina ran to the bathroom, seeing rachel really pale by seeing a lot of blood. Anna went back and took rachel out, replacing her now. "You sorta broke her nose" said sam nervously. "What?! im gonna die for good!" She said dramatically.
"WHO BROKE A NOSE?!" She heard zach ask by the phone. Tate tried to cover up for her and say they were watching a movie. "Well  we gotta go, see ya later byyee"
She hung up and looked at the others, "WHAT DO WE DO NOW?!"

adopted by daniel seavey ♡Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat