♡ 18 ♡

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amelia's pov.

mommy said she lost her baby... does that mean i won't be a big sister? i think that's good. i didn't want a little sister or brother. daddy promised me he would never replace me. maybe that's why the baby went bye bye.

i felt a bit guilty for treating them meanly. i was just mad but now mommy and daddy are sad. i don't like to see them sad... it makes me sad.

no one's pov.

as aurora layed in her bed with a blue stuffed pinguin, daniel went to get her something to eat. for her the pain was that bad she wouldn't even get up, she stayed in bed and cried for hours. he got her breakfeast, as it was about 9h45 am. everyone was eating but they didn't bother for aurora, she needed her time.

"come one get out of bed sleepy head" said christina to aurora. she couldn't see her best friend like this, so she decided to go to the mall with everyone, to cheer dani and aurora up. "but i don't want too" tina sighed. "its been a week, please cheer yourself up, it's gonna be hard after." she finally agreed and got up to get ready.

"come on amelia, you need to get dressed" daniel was holding a pair of pink leggings and a yellow shirt with flowerly type of sleeves. "but i wanna stay in jamies" whined the two year old. "but we're going to the mall, you can't be in your pijamas lia." she sighed, looking at the floor. "but i want too!" daniel groaned internally, knowing she would have a tantrum soon. "no. now come here to get ready!" she held her tiny fists firmly and put them on her hips. "i said NO!" daniel just picked her up, making her trash around in his arms, throwing punches. "amelia stop." she stared at him in the eyes before screaming at him. "I SAID NO NO NO NO NO" daniel was irritated yet he tried to not yell at her. she was about to hit him again, this time in the face, she didn't hit hard at all so daniel faked the fact she did not hurt him. he put his hand on his face and pouted, forcing himself to have tears in his eyes. amelia's face went from a frown to a shocked face in seconds. she stared at him for a while until she broke down crying, "i sorry, daddy! please don't cry, i sorry" she put her tiny hands on his left eye trying to wipe his tears. he tried to not laugh and she kissed his cheek. "i sorry, i gonna put on my clothes okay! an an we can go to mall. i sorry" she kept saying over and over still crying. he finally gave in, feeling bad for her. "i'm alright baby, i'm fine you didn't hurt me" amelia who was all dressed already looked at him, "you faked it?" she asked him in a tiny voice. he nodded and her frown was back on her face. "you meanie! you scared me an you did it so i got dressed! you a poopie face!" she stormed out of the room, then got down the stairs, soon hearing her tiny feet flip flap on the floor.
daniel sighed again "great." now she was mad at him.

at the mall, amelia was walking around, holding zach's hand. or maybe she was trying to run away but they didn't notice.

"where we go now?" asked amelia half asleep, while the rest had a ton of bags. jack picked her up and lwt her sleep in his arms. "do we buy her clothes?" asked aurora, the rest nodded and chose a lot of random dresses, shirts and shoes. corbyn secretly bought her some shoes and then they went home.

"are you k now?" amelia asked her mother who was cuddling her in her bed. "yeah, i'm alright now" her mother gave her a kiss on her nose and layed amelia on top of her as comfort. "how about we take a nap?" the two year old nodded, soon falling asleep with her mother.

this is mostly a filler, so that's why it's a bit boring.

adopted by daniel seavey ♡Where stories live. Discover now