( c h a p t e r ♡ s e v e n)

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3rd person's view.

4 months   passed and daniel and aurora didn't tell amelia they were dating. Aurora agreed to be her mother and treat her like her daughter. She loved her deeply even if amelia didn't apreciate her a lot. She didn't really like the fact that aurora was often at the boys house and that her dad spended more time with aurora than her. Of course she was polite enough to pass by her and ignore what she said instead of giving her attitude and biting her hands. Really polite. Yet she liked spending her time with lavender, reese, isla and svea. She really liked svea by the way she didn't yell like reese and isla did. She often stayed quiet when they played together, or sat next to each other. Since aurora was also sometimes sleeping over, she got used of sleeping in her room alone with no light and door closed. Like that she wouldn't hear the weird noises at night. (yes)


Amelia's pov. (I'll write normally when its pov, but when she talks I'll write kiddy like)

It's a bit boring here, i was used of playing with reese, isla and svea but they also got a bit boring. I tend to spend time alone in my room staring at nothing which is quite fun.. i think. Well uncle zach says if i have nightmares i can go night night with him and aunt kay. But im used to go at daddy's room with aurora but since ion like her i stay alone and dont sleep. I dont want to annoy uncle zachy. "Amelia?" I turned around and saw aurora standing by my door, i was thinking! How rude of her, i dont annoy her when she's on her phone. Note taken, i shall do that now.
"Hm?" She motioned me to go see  her, rolling my eyes and huffing i jumped down my bed and went to her. "Your dad and i want to tell you something" said aurora quietly. They want to take me back?! I knew it... maybe he got tired of me and now he asked aurora to bring me there. Just the thought made me stare into space until aurora grabbed my hand. I just looked down scared if they were actually bringing me back. I saw daddy's room and aurora picked me up, this time i didn't fight back and stayed still without moving in her arms. I felt him take me from her arms and hold me closely. Normally i would cling to him and cuddle with him but this time i didn't making him look a bit worried. "You okay baby?" I heard him ask. Well i hope im okay. I nodded and wiggled out of his arms sitting on the bed. "Rowa said you and her want talk to me" he sighed and aurora sat next to him her hands shaking. I mean if they would bring me back why would they be stressed about it. "So um, me and aurora are going to tell you something but dont take it badly okay bub?" I nodded and took my hair of out my face sighing and sitting more comfortably.
"Okay, um me and aurora are dating and she's going to be your mommy" i stared at them, what?! No way she's my mommy, i wanted a nice one like miss alexis. Not this random girl that found me at the mall! "Uh?" I made this random confused sound making them look at eachother and sigh. "Aurora is your mommy now" i rolled my eyes in my head. "What?!" Aurora looked at daddy nervously. "Is that okay with you, her being your mommy?" Asked daddy bitting his cheek nervously. "No!" I said getting up from his bed, "she not my mommy and not ever be!" I stormed out of the room and sat on my bed crying. He was going to replace me for this girl, I've known her for what?! 6 months?! This is no fun. He cant replace me, what will i do without him.... but now he loves aurora

I heard someone go in my room and sit next to me, i felt a hand touch my back so i flinched. "Its okay it's just me" i heard svea say, i turned to her making grabby hands. She picked me up in her arms holding me tightly so i wouldn't fall.
"Let's go eat pizza! My mom made some!" She skipped with me in her arms causing her to get yelled at. " BE CAREFUL WITH HER SVEA" yelled uncle jonah making her stop and whisper a sorry. "There you are" said aunt tate wiping away my tears. I guess they knew about aurora. she kissed my head and svea skipped away sitting on the table next to reese and isla. "Hope this will cheer you up" she handed me a piece of pizza.  I ate it with small bites until i was done and she set me up for a nap.

3rd person's view.

While amelia slept, aurora and daniel stayed upstairs to talk. "Im sorry about that" said daniel nervously. He thought that his daughter was going to act differently than how she had reacted. Aurora smiled a bit, "its fine" (lies) daniel smiled a little bit and they cuddle  also taking a nap. What they didn't know is that amelia was now awake and  passed by, frowning when she saw them cuddling and going to her room taking her bag.
She started putting random stuff in her bag. She decided she was gonna live in the bathroom for the rest of the day.... or maybe an hour. "What are you doing lia?" She heard zach ask her, he saw her going to the bathroom with her bag, pillow and blanket. "Im livin in bathroom now" he chuckled before picking her up. "Then what will i do without you?!" He asked dramatically, she was going to giggle but kept a straight face, "continue life". He gasped and put her head to his chest holding her tightly. "Nooo, baby don't say that". She shrugged and wiggled out of his arms and went to the bathroom. Closing the door swiftly in front of zach's face and locking it.
He sighed and shook his head, chuckling a bit then going to his room to take a nap.

"where's my baby?" Asked daniel sitting down for dinner. Amelia had stayed in there for hours, she slept, turned on the water randomly, she had her ipad with her so she watched cartoons then she ate some crackers she had hid in her bag.
"Which one?" Asked jack, referring to aurora too, he took a sip of his orange juice and smirked at him. "My daughter, dumbass" jack made a dramatic gasp and held his hand over his chest. "No bad words, QUARTER IN THE JAR" daniel sighed and rolled his eyes jokingly. "Your dear small child is now living in the bathroom" said corbyn trying to not laugh, zach had told everyone except aurora and daniel, they thought it was funny but then got worried when she was in there for more then 1h.
"Why?" He asked confused, they all shrugged and started eating. He ate a little bit, since aurora went to her house he didn't have someone to cuddle with.
After dinner, they got ready to go to bed since they ate late. And since everyone had a tv in their room they watched tv for a bit. When  amelia didn't hear no more noise and every light was off and tiped toed out of the bathroom, bringing her blanket behind her. She went to corbyn and christina's room, they were talking and cuddling. "Uncle bean?" She asked in a tiny voice. They both got up and turned on the light. He patted next to him, telling her to go to their bed. "You worried us poochie bear" said corbyn while she tried to climb the bed. He held her by her hands and helped up. "Why were you in the bathroom bub?" She got in the middle of them instead making them chuckle. She shrugged and held into christina, "what's worrying your little head bean?" Whispered christina in a Soothing Voice, her hand on her small back. Amelia sniffled feeling tears swell up in her eyes. "Will daddy replace me?" She asked in a tiny voice making both corbyn and christina pout, "why would he replace you bub?" Asked corbyn who was cuddling to christina making amelia cuddle with him too. "Cause rora" they sighed knowing how bad she had taken the fact that aurora was now her mother. They felt bad for her, it must be hard for a child, having a mom by force and not a caring one you can get used to.  Amelia felt more bad about herself thinking he would bring her back. "There's nothing to worry about aurora, she'll be your mommy and can be just like daddy is with you" christina smiled at her but amelia shook her head. "She'll ignore me too?" Her small voice asked, causing both corbyn and christina's stomach flip. Sure they knew he was with aurora and spended time with her. But not at the point he was going to ignore her. They saw her most of the time  alone playing with one of the girls, or just keeping her mind of things by going outside and picking flowers and give them to everyone in the house. "He ignores you?" She nodded, "i think so, yesterday i give flower, he didn't take it or say thank you. He ignore flower. He talked with rora instead" both of their smile dropped, maybe he did it by accident, but what they heard next told the, wrong. "I got owie, me go see him and laugh at me cos i got owie. Rora laughed too and got away. After me goes say night night, ignores too. I had to go potty and ignored me. I wanted hug but he pushed me away and say to leave him alone" she wiped her tears and held to christina again. Her and corbyn looked at each other and made concerned looks.
"Uncle bean?" He looked up seeing her with now dry tears on her face. "Hm?"
She now looked at christina and sighed a bit, "if daddy no wants me no more, can you and aunt tina be me mommy and daddy?". They looked at eachother again, they didn't know what to say, "please?" They both nodded, "okay" whispered corbyn. She nodded and held her pinky out. "Pomise?" They both linked their pinkies with her. "Promise"....

adopted by daniel seavey ♡حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن