"I can't help myself." She sobbed. "My baby is finally going to be a university student."

"Mummy, come on." I hated the way she looked at me. I could see how everyone that passed, took several turns to look at us. Why did her voice have to be so loud.

She took a deep breath.

"I'm so proud of you Kora, and I'm going to miss you. I just wish you agreed to go to school from home like almost everyone else here."

"Mum, the house is only a thirty minutes drive from here. I'm just going to be on campus. I'm not dying or anything. You could come see me whenever you like, but don't overdo it please."

She exhaled. I could see how proud of me she was, just by looking into her eyes, but I didn't need all the drama she was trying to get me involved in. The last thing I needed was everyone in school thinking of me as a mummy's girl on my first day. Not like I wasn't.

"Just-" She reached for my hand. "I just want you to take good care of yourself." She squeezed my hand. "Pray before you sleep, and always eat. Cover yourself well at night, so you don't catch a cold. Fleet your room too because of mosquitoes, I heard there aren't really any here, so I guess the chances of you getting malaria is really slim. Oh and don't forget-"

"Mum please don't ask me to not forget where I'm coming from, or I'm going to kill myself ." I rolled my eyes. I really didn't want to hear that every African parent's favorite line, when their children were leaving home for the first time to a boarding school, or somewhere far from home. Especially not from my mum. I dreaded that sentence.

She exhaled

"I was going to say you should live your best life, and stay away from trouble at the same time." She added. "And if you need anything at all, just call me, and I'd deliver. Anything at all."

I nodded

"Okay, okay I know." I just needed her to leave. I was really tired of watching everyone look at us the way they were. I wasn't the only new student in school anyway, even though I had resumed a week late but my mum was exaggerating. She was being really dramatic. I turned to Mike.

"Hey big man," I gave him a quick pat on his head. He looked at me. "I need you to take care of mum while I'm not around okay?"

Not like he could talk back, I just hoped he understood. I watched the maid struggle with my box as she walked to where I was.

"I'd take it from here." I reached for it. There was no way she was going to pull that box all the way behind me like that. I could handle it.

"Are you sure?" Mum asked as I reached for the handle, so I could roll it behind me. I nodded.

"I'm sure there are people that help with these things once I get to the dormitory. Mum, It's fine really, you should go back now. Don't worry about me."

"Okay." She nodded. She trusted me. I knew she did, and that was one of the things I was grateful for. "We'll get going now."


"I love you."

"Love you too."

"Go on. I'd go after I watch you get in." I rolled my eyes.

"Mum please."

"It's only going to take a second. I'd go once you walk in. I just want to watch you go in. There's no need to feel embarrassed."

But I was. I was really embarrassed. Too embarrassed, but it wasn't like I could stop her from doing what she wanted anyway, and to be honest, I kind of wanted to go in too. I was becoming a bit excited to see the whole world that was waiting for me inside those walls, and standing there trying to argue with my mother wasn't going to help me at all.

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