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"So...you didn't get to visit?" Asked Tae. I shrugged and replied, "Nope. Not even for a second."

"Why?" Pushed Jimin. He and Jungkook were now able to listen to my voice miraclously too.

I had no idea what to say. I couldn't just tell them I ran into a Grim Reaper version of Jonghyun who wished to take me away as every Grim Reaper would want to do.

No, I couldn't tell that to them. I looked up at them and just said, "Simply. I wasn't feeling like it."

They nodded, understanding what it would feel like to have a mother who would murder her own child. Even if it was a lie, they plainly believed it. 

BTS were on their way to their studio when Tae started the topic of the previous day. He knew I had gone to check on the murder case. Jimin and Jungkook heard our conversation close by.

When the other's where around, they gave the maknae's paranoid looks as if they thought that the younger ones finally lost it. But when they weren't around, we discussed freely.

The boys were practising one of their choreography, Dionysus. There were a lot of people around, so I tried not to be noticed much. Tae, However, made it very obvious.

Whenever he got the chance, he would turn to smile or wave at me, much to the crew's displeasure. Sometimes, Jimin and Jungkook would notice and do the same, knowing very well where I was standing.

All I could do was smile and wave back. I couldn't help but fall for their cuteness.

The practise came to an end. Not an end actually, just a break. But the boys dispersed for their stuff anyway. Some went for water, some went for air, while some just went to check on their phones.

Tae stood there silently, not sure what to do. So I did the one thing I thought appropriate. I brought him his flask of water, just like a proper manager.

Tae displayed his boxy grin and thanked me, melting my frozen heart with that.  I watched him as he drank from his flask. It was a very weird thing to do, but I couldn't help myself. I watched as he bended his head backwards, his jaw stretching as his sweat trickled down.

"Handsome aren't I?" Tae said suddenly, breaking me from my spell.

I blushed in emberrasment and for that one time, I wished he wasn't able to see me. I tried to act as casual as possible. "Of course! You are a member of BTS! A group filled with the most handsome boys. You even won TC Candler for the most handsome face. Why wouldn't you be?"

Tae stared at me in utter surprise. He wasn't expecting the sudden outburst.

Did I have to go that far?

And TC Candler? Seriously?

Suddenly, Tae started laughing...really very much, and I could feel my cold cheeks heating up even more. "Man I almost forgot that I won a TC Candler. Thanks for reminding me ARMY!"

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