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"Alright, so when I go like THIS, you go like THAT

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"Alright, so when I go like THIS, you go like THAT. Understood?" Demonstrated Hoseok,  who was having a hard time explaining Namjoon the moves.

He had been rehearsing that same move for weeks now and he was still progressing. Keyword: progressing.

On the other side, Jungkook was busy explaining Jin who only laughed at everything Jungkook showed him. Taehyung scrolled through his phone. Yoongi dosed off. Mean while, Jimin was nowhere to be seen.

Twenty minutes until they get to the stage, and Jimin was nowhere to be found. The boy's werent aware of it.

I walked out of the room to look for Jimin and there he was, busting his ass off practicing again. I sighed.

That explains it. Why you are nowhere to be found.

I walked a few steps closer and took a look at his sweaty face. He was exhausted to the point as if he would have a fit. His face was blood red and his cheeks were hollow. He had been skipping his meals lately.

What do I do?

"Hyung, you need to slow down." I said, patting his shoulder. Jimin slowed but his face remained the same. Something didn't feel right. I was sure of it.

However, I still let Jimin go to stage that day.

The fans chanted their names, screams erupted from all sides, ARMY bombs lighted all around. The stadium was filled with liveliness.

And then, they appeared. They appeared like fallen angels from the sky.

Like the rest of the security guards, I took my position to protect them. Their I stood, watching all the fans go crazy over seven god like boys who ignited the stadium in fire. My back turned towards them, all I could here was the song and all I could see was the fans.

And that was the biggest mistake I did since the day I died.

DNA was almost to the end. The four vocals where on the last hook when one line went unsung. But soon, it was filled up by Jungkooks voice, although I don't remember the line to be his.

What's going on?

Just when everyone thought the performance would end successfully, we went bankrupt.

Screams of surprise erupted from the audience. Some even begin to cry in that short time. Guards ran towards the stage. I, however, couldn't bring myself to move. There was only one question gnawing at my head. 

What happened?

Time slowed down to a beat. Cautiously, I walked towards where a crowed had gathered on the stage. I made my way inside.

Once inside, I couldn't believe what my dead eyes were witnessing. Somehow I saw this coming. But seeing it for reality was completely a different story.

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