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Bang PDnim made sure that the the news wouldn't reach out to the media and stay disclosed

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Bang PDnim made sure that the the news wouldn't reach out to the media and stay disclosed. I made sure of that too.

Tae was in his room after a few medications. But he wasn't sleeping. He was still curious about the event's that took place. I knew what he was thinking.

My voice. He heard my voice.

I sat there on the window sill watching him. He knew I was there but remained silent. Suddenly he said, "You were incredible today."

"I was scary today, you mean. I didn't even know I could do something like that. I was scary."

"You were great. Thanks for saving my life."

"Thanks for staying brave."

A long silence followed. Nothing hapened. Then again, "Hey?"


"Can I ask you something?"

"Go on."

"Where did you go today?"

"Ilsan police station."

"What for?"

"A murder case."

"Of whom?"

Another silence.

"It wass of you wasn't it? You were murdered?"



"Car accident."

More longer silence.

Then again, "Can you tell me your name?"

"No. I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because it isn't mine to tell. You should know it yourself if you really are curious. I'm sorry I can't tell you."

"Its okay."

Another long silence followed. It was awkward but I couldn't help it. Then suddenly, he smiled. "I heard your voice."

I laughed at his statement. "And so you did."

A commossion accured downstairs. It was Jungkook's voice. He was protesting.

"Stay here and rest. I will be back." Tae nodded and I flew downstairs.

"But think of it! The phone, it was a police evidence. Then it goes missing and the next thing we know, it's in the crime scene! Think of it!"

I sighed. Jungkook was trying to prove my existence but to no avail. Jimin believed him, but not the other's.

They knew that the incident that occured was very unique and all of a sudden the police forgot all about the phone being a pieace of evidence.

The elder boys felt it different too, but they didn't want to jump into childish conclusions.

"That's it Jungkook. No more on this topic. Go to your room."



"Fine!" And with that, he retired to his room, sulking.

I followed him to his room. There he sat on his bed, upset at his defeat. I sat on the window sill, moonlight pouring in.

He was so upset that it made my heart melt. He was trying to make them believe in me, but failed all the time. I really felt sorry for him.

Then an idea struck me. I smiled at my own childish plan.

I touched the glass of the window and slowly but surely, tiny snow flakes started building on the glass. From the window it spread throughout the room, snow everywhere.

Jungkook realized what was happening and was startled. He was so surprised that for a while I thought I scared him. Then he started laughing so loudly I thought he went mad. He started playing with the snow around him.

Encouraged, I built different things. Things like ice rabbit tht hoped it's way to Jungkook's lap, much to the tough bunny's delightment. Soon all the BT21 character's were running and playing about.

I watched Jungkook play for as long as he could, until he fell asleep.

It was the most tiring day but yet I was barely tired. Hee Jin was taken prisioner and found that she was guilty for more than just this one. She was responsible for attacking Jackson of GOT 7, The 8 and Mingeu of Seventeen, Jungwoo of NCT, etc. She was a very dangerous sasaeng. I was glad she was gone.

I was a little scared of myself. That day, something very scary flared in me. That power, it made me want to kill Hee Jin. The power to murder. I never ever want to try that power again.



All through the night, The man in his crisp black suit sat at his table, staring into nothingness. He was in his grim reaper office and something was bothring him.

He kept thinking of the day Park Jimin was supposed to die. The moment he apeared at the hospital, the name card disappeared as if fate was changed. But fate wasn't supposed to change. Park Jimin was suppose to die.

Not if someone changed the fate. Someone who is a guardian. Or a missing soul...

He wanted to remove the thought away from his head. It wasn't possible. It couldn't. He didn't want to be responsible for a missing soul case. But it was already too late. There was a missing soul. And deep down, he already knew that.

"I will come get you. Just wait." Saying that, he wrote a statement to the higher ups, saying that a missing soul, no, a missing guardian was on the loose.

" Saying that, he wrote a statement to the higher ups, saying that a missing soul, no, a missing guardian was on the loose

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So thats it for part IV. I hope you guys have enjoyed it. Plz do let me know.

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