Chapter 25: Morning

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The dreams were getting worse and they felt more realistic. My dream had a woman with hair longer than mine, but it was the same apple red. I felt like I was attached to her. While we were walking, she said out of the blue, "I have to go Shirayuki." My eyes filled with tears. "No!" I yelled. Then she said it.

"I love you"

I woke up, scared and anxious. I looked out the window. It seemed to be about five in the morning. I saw Obi sleeping across the room. He looked so peaceful when he's asleep. I started to get ready, knowing that we would leave early. I changed my clothes in the bathroom, and made my bed.

I looked around to see Obi waking up. "Good morning, Obi," I said as Obi opened his eyes. He sat up, "you're up early, Miss. Couldn't sleep?" I nodded my head. "Bad dream?" I nodded again. "Again?" Obi asked, he wasn't whining though. I nodded my head.

Zen knocked on our door and told us that it was time to go. It was around six o'clock. Obi was done changing and we had a quick breakfast. Obi helped me get up on his horse and we started to leave. Then, we were on our way... our way to meet my father.

Sorry this chapter is short.

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