Chapter 11

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Dedicated to _AlwaysInLove_ for her love and support 💕and sheshefi who is eagerly waiting for an update. 😝

The will-o'-the-wisp proffering a sense of tranquillity and serenity

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The will-o'-the-wisp proffering a sense of tranquillity and serenity. Getting lost in your dreamland, experiencing things which can't be sophisticated in real life, coveting to linger in your dreams eternally and not to wake up anytime soon are some of the yearnings we have.

Sunday, a day to relax and sleep composedly, sticking on the bed by getting succumbed in daydreams. But this exaltation didn't last long as my phone started ringing. With great difficultly, I tried hard to open my slumberous eyes, snatched the phone from the nightstand and promptly accepted the call without looking at the caller ID.

"Naizaa, are you free today?" It was Salma.

"Hmm, I think so," I spoke in my sluggish voice.

"Get up quickly and come with me to a place," she said rapidly, almost decreeing me.

"Huh! why? where?" I questioned perplexed.

"To Zari's house. No more questions! Now go and brush your teeth. I'll come to pick you after twenty minutes," she stated and ended the call.

Salma and Zareen were cousins. When we were small, she always used to tell me about her cousin Zari, who was in India and on how much she missed her cousin. However, I only came to comprehend about this now and was surprised to on how Salma's close cousin also turn out to be my close friend. Nevertheless, I was confused about why she was taking me to Zari's house.

Even when we were in Dubai, Salma always used to give me a ride and came to pick me up from my home whenever we had to go out. The reason was I didn't know how to drive but Salma, she started to learn driving at the age of fifteen, so it was easy for her to get the license when she turned eighteen. Furthermore, Salma was there always as my personal chauffeur so, there was no need for me to learn driving.

Specifically, after twenty minutes, as she said, she was here to pick me up. The ride to Zari's home filled firing on so many questions to Salma on why we are going there, was there any reason. However, she didn't reply to any of my questions and informed me that she would say it when we reach our destination. I got annoyed and sealed my mouth with the bombarding questions.

When we reached Zari's home, she was sitting on her balcony and rushed downstairs when she saw us. She opened the door and welcomed us in carrying a glowing smile on her face. I greeted her mom and walked towards her room. I noticed that Salma was grinning ear to ear, glancing at Zari and me.

"Why are you smiling at Zari? What's the matter?" I probed.

"Zari got engaged!!!" She immediately replied, dropping the bomb on me.

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