Whizzer Brown (Falsettos)

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Whizzer doesn't die and this is set after Jason had his Bar Mitzvah.

Don't @ me but Whizzer is Bi in this.

This one is short but cute.

Whizzer's POV

I am single again. Marvin and I had just broke things off for the second time. I thought we could do better this time but I guess not, so here I am sitting in a bar drinking my life away just like I did around this time two years ago. I feel alone without Marvin and his witty tight-knit family but I'm glad I got to see Jason at his Bar Mitzvah, what a bright young man he has become, just like his father but I hope he isn't as hopeless as him too.

I am now on my second pint of beer and I still don't feel as happy as I'd hoped. "Ok, time to get outta here and die alone with no loved one", Whizzer thought to himself as he got up and left the bar. Walking down the street I called my only friend who I can actually trust, Y/N, she always make me feel better and last time Marvin and I broke up, they were there for me and let me stay with them till I got back with him two years later. I regret going back to Marvin because I loved being around Y/N.

"Hey Y/N, could I stay you with you again for a while and I'm sorry about the short notice?" Whizzer said hoping to get a good answer. 

"Hey Whizzer, yeah sure, you can stay for as long you want and no don't be sorry, it's my pleasure!" Y/N said positively.                       

I tiredly walked up to Y/N's house and knocked effortlessly.

"It's open!" Y/N said enthusiastically.

I stepped inside only to find Y/N had made a fort out of pillows and blankets. I smiled to myself of the thought of us cuddling under the blankets inside the fort, watching Disney movies. I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when Y/N looked up at me with those big adorable eyes and pulled me into a hug while smiling, Y/N is so warm and comfy, I could stay here forever. Y/N was the one to break the hug, still smiling she led me into the fort and I couldn't believe my eyes, there were fairy lights, snacks and most importantly her laptop with a mix of Disney and horror films scattered around.

Time skip to later that night 

After four hours of movies and us just chatting about life, we decided to get some sleep seen as it was almost 3am. 

"Thank you for everything, I really don't deserve you, no one does, you're too good for this sickening world." 

 I heard Y/N chuckle at my words, "No problem and thank you but honestly, I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for you. Your strong Whizz, stronger than I could ever be, for god sake, I haven't even dated anyone before because I'm scared of losing them."

I could hear the sadness in her voice and that's when I used the strength Y/N told me I had and I leaned in and we shared a sweet kiss. That was the happiest I'd been in a very long time.

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