Chapter 17 - Drinking alone

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Crawling out of bed I make my way down the hall and into the kitchen. P and Zack are still sleeping and I don't want to wake them so I decide not to the make breakfast just yet, after all it is Saturday, they deserve a sleep in.

I open the fridge door and the first thing that catches my eye is a beer. Yes thanks. I take the beer from the fridge and make my way out the back, sitting on the deck watching the sun rise.

"Good morning." P smiles as she makes her way into the deck.

"Morning." I smile back and take a sip of my beer.

"Uh, the sun hasn't even come up yet and you're drinking already." She says shocked

Rolling my eyes I take another sip. "Technically if the sun isn't up, it's still night.

"That's not how it works." P laughs.

"Five o'clock somewhere?" I try with a laugh.

"Morning ladies." Zack makes his way into the deck. "Beer for breakfast, nice." He laughs

"Don't encourage her." P rolls her eyes. "So, What's the plan?"

"What plan?" I shrug

"What you're just going to sit here drinking all day?"

"Would that be so bad?"

"Yes C it would." She sighs "look I know you liked him but drinking isn't going to help."

"Wait." I laugh "I'm not drinking because of Zay, I'm drinking because I want to." I assure her. "Zay hasn't done anything wrong, I mean sure I'm sad, and I did really, really like him but he played his part and I'm thankful for that."

"Played his part?" She asks confused

"Well yeah, he saved me from Tyler, he encouraged me to tell everyone and move on with my life and I've done that."

"Right." P nods not buying it. "Please just don't get drunk and pass out on me." She sighs

"I'll try." I raise my beer to her with a grin.

Zayd's POV:

Saturday, tonight would usually be Charlie and I's date night but after everything that was said last night, I don't see that being an ongoing thing anymore.

Maybe I was a little too hard on her, she told me several times she was afraid, I just don't understand why she won't help herself by telling her parents. Then again, I suppose I've never been in her position so I shouldn't have put so much pressure on her.

Making my way from the couch into the kitchen I grab myself another beer and sit back down taking a long sip. It's been a long night and there are beer bottles piled up all around me but for some reason it's just not giving the feels I'm after.

Sighing I stand up and make my way into the bedroom, I open the draw next to my bed and pull out a small packet of white pills, pills I'd been meaning to throw out when I promised myself I'd stop this shit, but I didn't and now how here I am, just me and the pills.

Pulling a pill from the bag I lift it to my mouth and close my eyes.

Buzzz, Buzz, buzzz

I open my eyes and pull my phone from my pocket, Jordan calling but all I see is the photo of Charlie behind his name. Her long dark hair blowing in the wind as she looks out at the ocean in front of us, she's beautiful. I hit decline and stand up with the bag of pills, heading into the bathroom I tip them into the toilet and flush them away.

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