(Y/N)'s Definition

Start from the beginning

Your friends begged for you to stay, trying to persuade your weakened mind with the same old pleas.

"But we're you're family!" Rex had pleaded.

"We can help you, we promise!" Slinky has claimed.

"You'll get another chance, so please don't go!" Jessie had sobbed.

The toys all begged and pleaded, all except for one. He remained quiet, only struggling to let out a saddened sigh. Your second best friend, the other one who remained. The only other one who had been with you through it all.

Buzz had slowly approached you, trying to send you a reassuring smile. He pulled you into a tight hug, trying to share some of his warmth with you. Desperately trying to free you from the frozen cell you had mentally and emotionally placed yourself in. But no matter how hard he tried on the outside, there was simply no way to reach your heart of fragments and dust on the inside. Instead, he held you tightly one last time as he whispered, "Good luck, (Y/N). Never stop fighting. Even if it seems impossible to find, there is always hope....for infinity and beyond."

But that was just it. It seemed impossible because it was impossible. There was no "infinity and beyond" for hope. Not even for light, not even for happiness. There was only an "infinity and beyond" for darkness. For loneliness. For nothing more than a tiring struggle that only continued to weigh you down. Hope and happiness were false concepts, some theories and nothing more. The only hard facts were hidden within the empty void of nothingness. The sadness and grief and pain and suffering. And even then, as you were in the Space Ranger's presence for the final time, you still never spoke a word.

And for some reason, you still held the power to move on. No matter how much you denied the truth behind rays of happiness and hope, no matter how much you were willing to give in to the darkness, it seemed your brain was still desperately trying to find some last glimmer of joy. A small shard of your cracked heart seemed to be hanging on by a thread still, only by the force of sheer willpower. Even through all the cracks and breaks, your confused mind was still conscious enough to make the decision to continue searching and praying.

You were surprised at how long your brain was willing to hold out. It managed to live through being reunited with your little Viking and dragon friend from many years ago. They joined you on your mindless travel, but they hadn't been able to stay long. This held no impact on you as their company no longer seemed to provide warmth anyway.

It managed to live through the many interactions you came to have with other toys and kids along the way. Toys would try to talk to you, but a response never once escaped your lips. The conversations could barely even be considered ones, as toys picked up on the empty shell of the doll before them after receiving no response from the one simple greeting they gave. As for kids, you tried to hide from them, however, it was sometimes unavoidable. Most of them were gentle just as Bonnie and Andy had been, but the playtimes were still just as stale. And when one random, careless kid finally came along, you finally realized just how numb you had become. Not a single thing was felt, neither a reaction nor emotion, when your lower leg broke off completely upon being dropped from a minimal height. And when one toy quickly taped your leg back up, you quickly left without a word.

It managed to live through every train ride, slowly singing songs and whispering echoey words that constantly swirled in your head the entire way every time. Trying to keep you company, it proved to have little success for, in reality, it seemed more like it was just fighting to keep you alive. No matter its true intent though, whether it was motivated by the foggy confusion it was being drowned in or by the desire to reach resolution in the search for joy, all of its attempts were in vain. Your heart was no longer there, so it had nothing to truly talk to. Nothing to truly work with. It was but a small figment in a cracked, empty shell.

It managed to live through all of that and little more, managing to cling to whatever willpower it felt there was to grab for three whole years before its grip finally slipped. Your brain finally went to sleep, off to eternal slumber to join your murdered heart in the darkness. It finally came to terms with reality after all those years, finally allowing you to give up completely. You slowly came to freeze back into your lifeless toy position once more, this time for good, and you were finally able to be rid of that wretched smile. Your emotionless face was free to break through permanently, completely with a blank look of dulled (e/c) eyes and a loose downward curve of lips.

You hadn't cared where you were when you froze, so since you had finally been free to do so right near a quaint little fairground in the midst of a peaceful park, it didn't take long for someone to find you. It was a man who had taken you carefully into his hands, inspecting your cracked porcelain frame and your lifeless painted expression curiously. He mumbled a few words to himself, but you didn't care enough to try to listen.

The man carried you to a tiny toy store nearby in the park. An old lady with a bright face, the owner of the store, opened the door. He told the owner how he had found you simply sitting in the open, and he asked her, "Does she look like something you would be looking for?"

As he held you out towards the owner, her old, twitching fingers gingerly came to stroke your porcelain skin as you sat in her hands. She adjusted her spectacles, critically eyeing your face before moving on to check on every single crack and missing chip there was to be found on the surface. Little did she know about your broken mind and shattered heart there was as well. Eventually, the lady shook her head, "I'm sure she was a beautiful doll when she was first made. But she has so many cracks, and her expression is so terribly sad. Unfortunately, I won't have any use for her. Her appearance makes her very undesirable."

The man simply nodded, thanking the woman for her time, before walking towards his truck that was parked not too far away. A load of boxes was sitting on the curb right near the vehicle, and the back hatch was lowered with some boxes already packed in the open back. He began to load up the rest of the boxes, finally coming down to you and a few compressed ones. Taking one of the cardboard slabs, he molded it back into a dimensional box and taped you inside before placing you in the back with the other boxes.

There was no reason to be afraid of the dark anymore. You had already wasted so much time being afraid in the past, and you managed to slightly overcome your fear years ago on that strange night in the motel. But that wasn't why you were no longer afraid. You simply didn't care anymore. You weren't going to deny its suffocating embrace. It made no difference, so you simply succumbed to the darkness and eternal loneliness. After all, you had nothing to look forward to.

As the man had been loading his truck, he mumbled to himself as he appeared to frequently do. And although your mind was long gone, you managed to hear just one thing. Just one important sentence. "I need to hurry and get these to the dump." And that's when you realized, after all this time, you would find your light. The one true light that would set you free.

You never expected it to be the glare of the blazing bonfire in a landfill. The same kind you had slowly slid closer to many years ago. The same kind that devoured everything, completely ripping things from existence without leaving a single trace. The same kind that had absolutely terrified you before, but unknown to you then....

It was the kind that would finally offer release and resolution.

An end to all the suffering.

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