The Escape Plan

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So far, so good. The plan was working perfectly! Everything was going....well, according to plan. Potato Head snuck out of his cell, serving as a distraction for Ken, Buzz, and Big Baby. This allowed Woody to drop in and snag Slinky. When Potato Head was sent to The Box, Woody and Slinky went on to face the Monkey while Barbie tricked Ken. It all worked without a hitch.

All the while, you were keeping a lookout from within the shadows at the top of the castle structure. You had a clear view of the room, as well as a vast range of sight of the outdoors. The plan continued to unfold, and you never saw any unexpected issues. Woody and Slinky slid the key under the door, Jessie sent the tortilla out to Potato Head, and Hamm and Rex started their fake fight in attempt to trap Buzz.

"Yes!" You whispered your cheer to yourself when Rex and Hamm effortlessly trapped the brainwashed Space Ranger in a thick, plastic container. The two stood on top of it to ensure Buzz wouldn't be able to get out.

You sent your gaze out the window, receiving the signal from Jessie. Her, Bullseye, and the aliens had made it safely to the meetup spot inside the tunnel on the playground. You nodded in confirmation just as Woody, Slinky, and Barbie began to emerge from the ceiling panels with a Buzz Lightyear manual in tow.

"Woody! You're back!" You heard Rex call out, followed by a painful grunt from him and Hamm.

You looked to see that Buzz had managed to kick the container off of himself, and he was now making haste towards the door. That wasn't part of the plan! "Stop him!" You hissed out.

"Don't let him get out!" Woody added.

"Star Command! I've been taken hostage by my own prisoners." Buzz yelled into the fake monitor on his arm. Luckily, Hamm and Rex were able to tackle him while you and the others quickly made your way to the ground.

"Quick! Open his back." Woody demanded, throwing the manual over to Hamm while he tried to keep the space toy down. You took the screwdriver and removed his back section. "There's a switch!"

Buzz violently struggled. "Unhand me, Zurg scum! The Galactic Courts will show you no mercy."

You tried flipping the switch left and right, but nothing happened. "It's not working! Why is it not working?"

"Here we go!" Hamm finished flipping through pages of the manual. "There should be a little hole under the switch."

"Little hole, got it!" Woody located it on the Space Ranger's back.

"To reset your Buzz Lightyear, insert paperclip-"

"Rex, use your finger!"

"What?" The dinosaur exclaimed in confusion at the cowboy's command.

You rolled your eyes, forcing the dino's finger into the slot. "Okay, now what?"

Hamm continued to read. "Caution. Do not hold button for more than five seconds." As he said this, Buzz made a strange beeping noise before falling limp, his head falling and hitting the front of his helmet.

"It's not my fault!" Rex panicked.

Suddenly, Buzz came back to life. You were all thrown backward as he leaped into the air, his wings straight out and his helmet now removed. He opened his arm monitor in a fancy way before speaking in Spanish.

"Now what did you do?" Hamm hissed at the T-Rex.

"I just did what you told me!"

Buzz was alerted by their voices, and he quickly spun around to aim his laser at everyone. The only Spanish you were able to understand was, "Amigo? O enemigo?"

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