"Yes, Father. I'll follow your words." Victor nodded his head, hiding the smirk on his face as he stared at Allen beginning to call the generals needed. As he saw Mark's name being drawn, the happiness in his heart merely increased.

Mark answer his phone, his voice respectfully saying, "Your Majesty?"

Allen's voice was heard from the other side, regal and imposing, he said, "General Mark, if you don't mind, I have a secret mission to hand to you. I have just gotten a message that Y Nation is planning to attack and I want you to help against them. I'll send you and some other generals to gather up some soldiers and fight against the army. I'll also be sending Prince Victor to help you. I will give this task up to you to decide the best outcome."

"Your Majesty, I will do my best." Mark's voice was without any emotion, but his heart had beaten as he heard Victor's name.

"Then I will leave it to you, General. I know that you will be able to complete this mission."

Mark looked out the window, his brows furrowed, and his heart was in a mess. The past few days, he had been thinking over it carefully. Was it love or was it merely friendship? But that wouldn't explain the beating of his heart, the feelings he had every time he saw Victor's smile. But, going over it, wouldn't it be weird if he did love Victor? An alpha with another alpha, how was that possible? Plus, it was near impossible for him to be with Victor anyways.

Victor came from a high class standing, his identity as a prince will be something that Mark could never touch. A general and a prince, who would agree to such a marriage, especially between two alphas? Not to mention, Mark had too many people wishing to kill him, he couldn't drag Victor with him. Someone like Victor was out of reach for him.

Mark knew well that people feared and would rather not come close to him. Since birth, he couldn't remember the time that he smiled. His mother and father had always talked about his cold face, his inability to smile or express any emotion other than the fierce glare in his eyes. Mark had never been bothered about this because he didn't care then, now, he wished that he could show a smile to Victor.

"Longwang, I think I found the one I love."

Mark felt a stabbing pain in his head before it turned to his heart. He took a sharp breath in, confused as to what the voice in his head was. He didn't have any clue, but he felt like the voice sounded so familiar, a feeling within him was evoked. Heartbreak, pain, yet also relief? Mark closed his eyes, the headache in his head not subsiding. It felt like he had heard these words before, as if he could picture everything yet he wasn't able to. Why?

[Male lead's love percentage is at 30%]

Victor smiled as he moved the black rook two spaces to the left. Doing so, he leaned back as he whispered, "I won."

Lucius looked up at once, his voice coming out in a hurry, he exclaimed, "What?! How?" He examined the board, but his eyes weren't sharp enough to notice the slight detail.

"I have your king and queen cornered," Saying so, Victor plucked Lucius' king off the board, twirling it in his finger, a playful expression was on his face.

"Fine, you win. I admit my defeat, but how is someone like you beating me?" Lucius rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms, his eyes glaring daggers at Victor.

Victor let out a laugh as he replied, "Lucius, you're too impulsive. Once you think of something, you will do it right away, not caring about the open holes you leave in your defense. You focus more on offense than your defense, and because of this, I was slowly breaking away your defense and cornering you while you tried to take down my king and queen. Believe it or not, chess really does tell a lot about yourself. You're impulsive, easily fooled but also stubborn."

Lucius tried to hold back his curse as he yelled, "Then I'm guessing that you're patient, but also deadly once you strike. That explains your jerk-like smile," Lucius said his last sentence with scorn.

"Hmm, do you think so? But I believe that I am merely more careful and diligent to all sides and my plan. Until I'm sure of something, I won't make a move. And you, once you think of something, no matter how weird it seems, you'll try it right away. Even so, you are still a child compared to me. Being involved in the military gets you thinking more, especially when working with plans and schemes." Victor moved Lucius' king one space to the left before shifting his queen to five spaces to the right.

Lucius looked carefully as Victor moved his pieces before finally realizing what he had done. Victor had easily broken from his own containment with just two moves. As Lucius looked at Victor, he was suddenly able to see his brother in a new light. His brother had a very deep mind, dangerous but also aspiring.

"Father told me that you will be joining the military as a general. This time, we will be going to war against Y Nation. Vic, are you sure you can play such a role?" Lucius' eyes were filled with worry at the thought of his brother being injured.

Victor softly smiled as he heard Lucius' worry. "Don't worry, Lucius, if Father had felt that this role wouldn't be good for me, he would've never agree to send me to join the war. This time, I'm sure that I will be able to get behind everything that is happening in Y Nation."

"Plus, if I don't go, who will act as the advisor for the battle? I'm sure that my mind will be able to think of a plan that will stump the enemy." Victor smiled, but his smile was also chilling even though Lucius didn't notice.

Then, he looked at the board. Now, there were two kings next to each other, successfully capturing the queen. Victor smiled as he looked at the board, his eyes glinting dangerously as he moved another piece. But, he moved one of the king, successfully capturing the pawn, otherwise, known as the soldier.

It was going to be fun.

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