A secrect friend

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Things after the second task grew into  something that many of us never expected. Ron was telling everyone what happened with overly exaggerated details but it made me and the others sound relatively cool. I hadn't spoken to Ced since the boat trip but he hadn't made any effort to talk to me either.

People had been teasing Hermione so much about being the thing that Victor Krum would miss the most that she was in a rather tetchy mood a lot of the time. Which didn't make her someone particularly chatty, so I couldn't air my feelings to her about Ced, and the boys weren't exactly talkative once it came to girl issue.

But as I was sketching my interpretation of one of the meerpeople along I over heard the others whispering.

"I saw his brown owl last-" Harry paused mid sentence as a group of third years walked by, I continued to sketch acting as if I was in my own world. "-at lunch yesterday I swear."

"Guess we should go there now then." Laughed Ron.

They all got up at the same time and began to make the way to the door.
"Alex we're-" Harry looked at the others, "-going to the black lake, want to join?"

I shook my head, ever since the boat journey I hadn't gone there that much and they knew that.

"Okay, we'll be back soon."

I nodded pretended to be distant. After they had dressed for the cold March weather they headed out. I put my sketch book down and picked up my own coat along with my bag. I made a cautious walk to the owlery, and once I got there I pressed my back to the stone and listened. I heard them talking.

"He hasn't come back to Hogsmeade, has he?" I overheard Ron say slightly baffled. There was a brief pause and I heard shuffling, along with rustles of parchment as the wind made my hair and scarf swirl around.

"I can't believe him, if he's caught..." Harry's voice was tense and cold.

"Made it so far, though, hasn't he? And it's not like the place is swarming with dementors anymore." Ron laughed back, I didn't really understand exactly what was going on.

"Come on, if we want to get back before curfew we've got to go now." Hermione told them which followed with mumbles of agreements from the boys. They began to move.

This caused me to panic, I had to get out of here and fast so not to be spotted. I made a decision....which I regretted instantly.

I grabbed onto the small wall that outlined the owlery walls and jumped my body over the edge. However I didn't anticipate the drop. Hitting the ground hard I tumbled across the grass for a bit, ending on my back.

With a huff and a small cough I pushed my body up and stumbled towards the owlery exit. They had been fast to move and were now further in the distance than I anticipated. I rubbed off some clumps of grass and ran towards them but still keeping a distance.

The wind was strong as my hair blew and the dead leaves under my feet crunched, continuing to follow them. I still didn't know were the hell they were going. But after a small amount of time we came to the small village of Hogsmead. I had come with the three a few weeks ago for some time at the three broomsticks, to get away from everything.

I watched as the three of them went into Gladrags Wizardwear, they came out shorty after with a small bag. They were laughing at this point, I was puzzled still as to why they had lied about the black lake and come for a jolly trip to Hogsmead.

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