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-Alex's Perspective-

I woke in the tent I was originally in for the tasks official announcement on the medical bed I was previously sat on before the task. I heard chatter around me before I saw anyone:

"She did amazingly!"

"Pass me another hot towel."

"I must admit that she did very well."

"Gave us a fright."

"Congratulations Mr Digory!"

"Fleur are you alright my angel?"

"Take a seat Mr Potter,"

"Is this what you wanted?"

I felt a hot and wet fabric pressed to my left shoulder which I now noticed had no pain anymore.

I opened my eyes, Cedric was next to my bed in a chair, balancing an ice pack on his eye as he shook Krum's hand I noticed Krum also had a few bandages on his arm. Fleur was lying in the bed next to mine with a nurse hovering over her.

Harry was on my other side along with Dumbledore and Croutch. Harry had a fair few cuts on his face that had trails of blood leading from his hair to his chin.

My view was obstructed by a nurse dabbing another towel to my head. Once she realised I was awake she asked me a wide range of questions making sure I was fit to walk and made it very clear I must return to the hospital wing if I have any further pain or discomfort with any part of me.

Magic was used to reduce swelling and resupply my blood levels along with badges that would apparently heal it within a few weeks.

After I had reassured the nurses numerous times I was okay. I returned to the Gryffindor common room.


Myself and Harry stood in the middle of all the students from Gryffindor house all of which were clapping and cheering.

I look next to me, Harry seems to be taking it all in his stride smiling like an idiot. I felt happy but also like I was going to be sick.
Harry raised his golden egg in the air above his head with his right hand.

I stood in a sort of shock. It's strange how everyone's attitude changed so dramatically from not talking to me to praising me beyond anything I've ever had before.

Then I saw George make a run to Harry and lift him onto his shoulders, Harry threw his egg to the crowd as Fred swept under me and hauled me onto his shoulders, taking me completely by surprise.

"Well done you two!" Fred cheered into my ear over the cheering and screams.

"Sorry Alex!" George said up to me as everyone kept cheering. I didn't respond.

"We knew you wouldn't die!" Fred cheered as he bounced us in front of the sea of red and gold.

"Loose a leg!" George screamed.

"Or an arm!" Fred continued.

"Pack it in all together? NEVER!" They both cried at the same time. Everyone laughed continuing to cheer and applause.

Harry Potter: Alex Fletcher: the fighter, champion and hope.Where stories live. Discover now