The service and the truths

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-Alex's Perspective-

We all sat in our uniform, I was in between Harry and Hayden.

"Today, we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory as you all know was an exceptionally hard working, infinitely fair minded and most importantly, stood up for his friends all of which know they were graced with his presence." Dumbledore said bravely from the front of the hall. I heard the sniffles and whimpers around the me but nothing happened to me yet. "I think you have a right to know exactly how he died. Cedric Diggory, was murdered by Lord Voldermort"

There was a collective gasp around the room at the mention of Voldermort's a name. I turned to Harry next to me as I felt his hand squeeze mine. I gave him a small smile in return.

"The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so, I think would be an insult to his memory. Now the pain we all feel at the dreadful loss reminds me and reminds us that while we may come from different places, speak different tongues our hearts all beat as one.
In light of recent events the friendships we've made this year will remain stronger than ever. Remember that so to prove Cedric Diggory did not die in vain. You remember that."

Hayden squeezed my other hand at we exchanged smiles.

"We will celebrate a boy who was kind and honest, brace and true right till the very end." Dumbledore finished.


It was approaching the last day and everyone was packing up to go home for summer at the moment.

"Alex are you alright?" Hermione asked for the third time today.

"Yeah, I'm going to speak to Dumbledore, see you in a bit." I said getting up from my space on Hermione's bed. I had the feeling like Dumbledore and I needed to chat.

"Alright, I'll be here when you get back." Hermione told me as she folded a pair of pyjamas into her open trunk.

I left through the open dorm door and pushed my way out of the crowded common room as people ran around in panic making sure they had all their stuff.

I was debating on what exactly I would talk to him about the dreams. He hadn't had chance to talk to me properly about with everything going on, as he was mostly sorting out Cedric's parents and any legal matters. What Barty Crotch Jr had said, how I was a key for something how I would die at the hands of the ones I love or whatever. But the main thing on my mind was what exactly would happen right now, after everything that happened I haven't been feeling too firm on my feet.


I arrived and raised my hand to knock but as I had done before I heard voices shouting, voices I recognised to be Arthur and Molly Weasley.

"Albus, I'm sorry but she is a considerable danger to our family, you must understand" Arthur's voice rang through the door.

"But you can't send her to them, anyone but-" Mrs Weasley sounded shrill and outraged but also like she was pleading for something.

"You two must understand I have tried my hardest. And this is the best place for her for now." Dumbledore told them softly, I pushed my ear to the door trying to hear the conversation better.

Harry Potter: Alex Fletcher: the fighter, champion and hope.Where stories live. Discover now