Sassing and following.

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-Alex's Perspective-

"Well done Alex." Cedric hadn't stopped staring at me this whole boat journey.

Us champions were all put in boats back to shore and somehow I had gotten stuck with Cedric and a random collection of others.
He purposely pushed to sit opposite me after a rather lanky boy took the seat next to me.

I decided to ignore his comment as I had done his stares.

"Alex?" Cedric asked looking at me closer as if he would be able to get a reaction. "Alex?" He then continuously clicked in front of my face. 

"I don't really want to talk to you Ced."

"Why not?" He asked seemingly unbeknownst to his actions.

"Because you're a selfish asshole and I don't like to associate myself with those." I said bitterly looking out to the water, wishing this boat would travel faster.

"What's got your wand in a knot?" He laughed.

"You watched me get out the water, you took the glory of finding out the egg, you left me to fend myself against Snape. Not to forget that you dropped me for Cho."

"You know I didn't mean any of that stuff." Cedric spluttered.

"Oh really?" I laughed looking back at him my face showing false amusement.

"Really." Cedric almost seemed sincere.

"That was sarcastic Cedric." I remarked back.

"Alex please, you're a good friend I don't want to loose you." He said trying to reach for my hand, I flicked away.

"Oh shut up. I thought I was more than just a friend Ced. You led me on like I didn't even matter at all to you."


Cedric was cut off as my prayers were answered and the boat pulled up to the dock. I took an angry step off onto the pier, not even waiting for the boat to fully stop.

"Well done Moral fibre." I heard one of the twins say behind patting my back, I turned and saw the two of them. Freds hair was slightly matted and dripping across his forehead, George however was in a heavy coat and scarf. They gripped me in a hug pulling back for some of the others to join.

"Can't. Breath." I laughed. Everyone pulled apart, Hermione and Ron were soaked but the rest of them all dry and dressed to the weather. Harry was there too, his hair was slapped across his brow like Fred's and mine. We gave each other a smile then gripped each other in a hug.

"Thank you Alex, really." He said into my ear.

"It's what friends are for." I told him back. The gaggle of us began to walk again up towards the castle.

"Congratulations to you both. A fine achievement." I felt a hand grace my back and I turned slightly to see Mr Crouch in his usual grey suit.

"Thank you." Harry and I replied at the exact same time.

"See you both in the common room!" Called Ron as Harry and I began to walk with Crouch to a small wooded area that nestled around the dock.

"I'm sorry none of us have spoken a great deal." Crouch said laughing again taking us to the side as I tightened the towel around me to refrain from my hair drenching my clothes.
"Harry I know your story like the rest of the world of course, and Alex Dumbledore assured me that you are have a brain beyond your years."

"I think thats Hermione sir." I joked.

"Nonsense. You both share the tragic background of loss of each of your families. Never quite whole again, are we?" He smiled at us both causing us both to shake our heads in agreement. I knew nothing of my parents so non of it really effected me as it might with someone else.
"But life keeps moving forward, and here we stand. I'm sure each of your parents-" At this point Mr Crotch's eyes wondered over to stare at me and although I couldn't see it directly, I saw a small glitch in his face, a muscle tensing in his cheek and his eyes remained open.
"-would be very proud today." He finished. "Alex may I have a word with you in private?" He asked looking from me to Harry.

Harry seemed to get it and backed off slightly towards a small tree and played with the leaves which were beginning to regrow from winter.

"Alex your parents-" Mr Crouch ventured regaining my attention. I in all my life knew very little of my true heritage. "-I know people would hold issue of me telling you this bu-"

"Bartemius! Not trying to lure them in for the Ministry's internships are we? Last undergraduate that went in didn't come out." Professor Moody had appeared out of nowhere, as if he'd risen from the leaves themselves.

He cut off Mr Crouch almost instantly, looking from me to Harry as to imply he was causing corruption. He waddled closer hauling his dead leg with him heavily. He stood at hardly an inch distance from Crouch's face. I noticed a small characteristic that Moody he licked his two lips with an expression that resembled malice. This action had a weird effect on Mr Crouch, he went visibly paler and his eyes grew. Moody repeated it, causing Mr Crouch to make a speedy exit.

"And they say I'm mad!" Moody called after him. 

I didn't care for these two and their history, I made my way back after Crouch. I had never even heard the beginning of a conversation about my parents. And if not for Moody, he could of told me something, something for me to use.

Although I didn't give him much time to escape once I had gotten closer to where he should of been, he appeared to have completely disappeared.

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