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-Alex's Perspective-

We arrived to the band and cheering sounds we had left to. Their was laugher and joyful chatter in the stands and the triumphant noise of brass sounded around the makeshift stadium.

Cedric's body was clutched tightly in my grasp under both Harry and I. We were both crying freely now. Not because of the cuts and bruises that littered our bodies but because a boy that we both loved and had a good connection with was now dead under us.

Water from my eyes and blood from a fresh cut that led from my cheek to my jaw, dropped onto his paling skin.

But over the happiness of the band a girls scream could be heard, it was Fleur, I saw her face morph from smiles to terror.

Turns out that everyone else heard it too because the clapping soon died down.

"Harry! Alex?" I heard Dumbledore yell over to us as he came closer to us. He tried to push me off Cedric

"No! No! No don't please!" I yelled in protest as I pushed Dumbledore's arms away from me and Cedric, gripping his body tighter.

By now the band had completely cut out.

"For Gods sake Dumbledore what's happened?" Fudge yelled running towards the scene. I cried into Cedric's shirt.

"He's back! He's back, Voldemort is back!" I heard Harry yell over the near to silent murmurs of anxiety.
He was braver than I, he'd actually said what was the truth of Ced now. Staff and students began to gather round us in confusion and worry.

"He wanted me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him, not there, not with him." I told Dumbledore holding him now looking down at Cedric.

"It's alright Alex. It's alright" Dumbledore comforted me pating my back as he turned and gripped Harry's face. "Harry it's okay."

"It's not okay!" I yelled out my voice scratching against my throat.

"Shh, Alex he's home. You both are." Dumbledore told me as he patted my back and held Harry close to him.

"Keep everybody in their seats. A boy has just been killed" I overheard Fudge instruct the staff in the distance. A small collection of gasps followed after.

"The body must be moved Dumbledore, there are too many people." Fudge said running over to us.

"Alex come here." McGonagall told me sensitivity.

"No! No! I'm not leaving him." I cried as Dumbledore held Harry back from holding Cedric again. I felt McGonagall's arms wrap around me.

"That's my son! My boy!" I heard yells as a man dropped next to me, I looked up to see Amos Diggory. "My boy!"

I looked up at the sound of sniffing. I saw a collection of people in small semi circle around us, Amos wasn't the only one crying. Cho, Fred, George, Ron, Hermione and a collection of Ceds friends,
Joesph Landed, Henry Clons, Martha Jenkins with a few others all stood sniffing and looking somber.

"He loves you, he always will." I told Amos taking a firm hold of his jacket lapels. "He told me to tell you."

Amos only cried harder at this. But I didn't have long to him as I was yanked at from behind.

"The man doesn't want that right now. Come on, easy, easy I've got you." I heard Moody tell me as he hauled me away from everyone else.

"Harry. No!" I yelled grabbing Harry's hood on his champions jacket.

Harry got up and gave me a small hug, as Moody grabbed him too.

"Its alright you two, your alright now." Moody lead us away from the stands, away from our friends and supporters, away from Cedric.

I heard the collective chorus of cries that was let out by the stands.

Harry Potter: Alex Fletcher: the fighter, champion and hope.Where stories live. Discover now