Sorry who?

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-Alex's Perspective-

Moody's office was an octagonal shape and bland. Harry and I were seated on short wooden stools. We'd both stopped crying by now.

"Are you alright Fletcher?" Moody asked grabbing my shoulder. I nodded in return wiping away some blood from my cheek with my shirt sleeve.

"Potter?" Moddy asked. Harry nodded just like me, his eyes staring into the floor.

"You've both got pretty nasty cuts there." Moody said referencing our arms. "Do they hurt?"

"Not so bad now." Harry told him, as I remained silent.

"Perhaps I should take a look." He told us. Harry voluntarily rolled up his sleeve, displaying the nasty gash that Wormtail had left.  "Ah yes, nasty. And you Fletcher." Moody turned and harshly gripped my arm squeezing it forcefully as I hissed in pain.

"The cup was a portkey, someone had bewitched it." Harry told him.

"What was it like? What was he like?" Moody asked his grip on my arm tightening.

"Who?" Harry spluttered.

"The Dark Lord." Moody seethed through his teeth of yellow.

At the mention of the he squeezed my arm so tight I flinched back. "What the hell was that for?"

"Answer me! What was it like to stand in his presence?" Moody said walking away from us and pacing up and down his room.

"I don't know, what you mean." Harry told him as Moody started to grunt and twitch. As though he'd been stung by a Tipping Articrus, a beast he himself had taught us. "It was like I'd fallen into one of my dreams, into one of my nightmares."

"Harry, he's not right." I said cutting him off, hitting him to look at Moody's state of dismay. Moody began to fumble around with empty bottles, gasping as if he'd been restrained from air.

"Where there others? In the graveyard where there others?!" Moody asked in a voice deeper than normal, it sounded as though it was a great difficulty for him to speak.

"We haven't said anything about a graveyard." I hissed over to Harry. Moody began to smash things in his way as he swayed back and forth.

"Alex! You would of never of known how to hold your breath without my help! Hagrid would of never found the dragons! Do you think Neville Longbottom the hopeless sod, would of ever found out Gillyweed, huh?"  His voice was scratching and dragging as he shouted in mine and Harry's face. But after this speech he licked his lips, like he had after speaking to Crouch.

"It was you! You put my name in the Goblet, you bewitched Krum!" Harry started to piece things together.

"You won because I made it so. You ended up in that graveyard due to my instruction. The blood that runs through both of you runs through the Dark Lord too!" He screamed as he squeezed my arm so tight I started to black see spots cloud my vision. I collapsed off my chair into a heap on the floor, prompting Harry to stand up. Moody walked back to his empty viles and bottles.
"Imagine, if you can, the reward I'll get when the Dark Lord realises what took you both to him, me! That I have once and for all silenced the great Harry Potter." He said raising his wand to Harry.

But he was thankfully as a burst of white light streamed through the door.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" The sound of Dumbledore's voice brought me an overwhelming comfort. As Moody's body flew back into a wooden office chair.

Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape filed in all with their wands drawn.

"Severus." Dumbledore instructed Snape.

Harry ran over to me and held me tight to him. We all watched as Snape poured a random liquid down Moody's throat through his open mouth.

"Do you know who I am?" Dumbledore asked gripping Moody by the lapel of his tattered jacket.

"Albus Dumbledore." Moody seethed through his teeth.

"Are you Alastor Moody? Are you?" Dumbledore yelled in his face.

"No." Moody spluttered.

"Is he in this room?" Dumbledore asked sternly.

Moody's eyes flicked over to the chest Harry and I were lent up against.

"You two away from there." Dumbledore instructed drawing his wand, pointing it at the box.

McGonagall rushed over to Harry and I as she carried me from my slump.

"Alex sweet its okay. You're alright now." McGonagall soothed me taking me to a corner of the room were we both sat as she stroked my hair down with a motherly smile.

Snape flicked his wand at the box and it began to unlock itself, it opened up several times.

He, Harry and Dumbledore all peered down into the well that the box had created.

"Are you alright Alastor?" Dumbledore called down.

"I'm sorry" a voice called back.

"That's Moody so then who's-?" Harry asked as they all turned to look at Moody who was twitching and thrashing around in his chair.

"Polyjuice Potion." Snape told us all as he sniffed at the flask that Moody always drank from.

"Now we know the stealer from your stores Severus." Dumbledore told him.

Moody gargled, and his face began to change as his movements became frantic and violent. His face shrunk and the deformed parts of him changed into full healthy skin.

"Barty Crouch Junior." Dumbledore announced as I peered around to see Barty Junior, much like I'd seen in the court room.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Barty hissed as he rolled his sleeve up to reveal a swirling snake and skull.

"Your arm, Harry." Dumbledore said forcefully grabbing Harry's arm.

I knew that I too had a mark, only for some breath I had left. I shakily raised my blood deprived arm to McGonagall's eye line. She took in a sharp intake of breath once she saw it.
"Abu-" she let out shakily but was cut off by Barty.

"You know what this means don't you? He's back, the Dark Lord is back." He told the room with a smirk that made my stomach twist and turn speed across his evil little face.
"And she's the key to his success, she'll die in vain at the hands of the people she trusts." He said pointing directly at me.

"Someone send an owl to Azkaban. I think one of their prisoners is missing." Dumbledore told no one in particular.

"Albus, she's not well." McGonagall said with a finger pointed out to me.

"Take her to the hospital wing. Quickly!" Dumbledore said quickly as he saw my fragile and pale form lying in a heap on McGonagall.

That was my final straw, my eyes closed and I was overtaken by the loss of blood and completely blanked out.

Harry Potter: Alex Fletcher: the fighter, champion and hope.Where stories live. Discover now