Little Hangleton

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-Alex's Perspective-

We seemed to swirl in brightness around and around until we hit the ground with a loud thud. It knocked all the air out of me making my breathing raspy and heavy.

The cup left my grasp as I was flung away. Coughing I pushed my self up and looked down at the grass I had landed on which was slightly wet and the sky up above me was dark and clouded.

I looked behind me and the boys were quite far ahead in a clearing.
I stood up letting out breaths and pulled out my wand.

They were both on their backs unlike me, I'd landed on my front.

"You guys alright?" I asked looking at them as though they were dead.

"Yeah, you?" Cedric laughed as I saw Harry putting out an arm for me to help him up.

We seemed to be in a graveyard it was foggy and cold the sky overcast and black. The brief outline of a church came through in the distance.

"Where the hell are we?" Harry asked looking at the landscape like me.

"I don't know." Cedric answered also spinning around. A large crack of Crows flew overhead, squawking loudly into the night.

"This-this looks familiar." I muttered stumbling around.

"It's a portkey." I heard Cedric say, I turned and he was looking closely at the cup."The cup is a portkey guys."

"This is the dream." Harry told me as he gripped my arm.

"I know, but wh-how?" I walked towards the surrounding graves.

"Get back to the cup! Now!" Harry yelled suddenly as I inspected the area noticing the cauldron in the middle light on fire.

"What?" I asked looking at the cauldron more closely but my head snapping in the direction of the sound of footsteps. A rather grubby looking man with an overhanging stomach in black tattered clothing walked out of a well lit cavern that I hadn't noticed before.

Harry started screaming in pain and gripping his forehead. My arm also started to sting. 

"What is it? What's wrong?" Cedric asked running over to me in panic.

"Ced get back now!" I yelled as he moved me behind him and backed the two of us towards Harry, who had bent over in pain.

"Who are you? Stop hurting them!" Ced yelled pointing his wand at the man in black. He said it all whilst jumping in front of me.

"Kill the spare" A disembodied voice screeched from out of nowhere.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" The grubbed up man hissed, with the flick of his wand at Cedric he hurtled backwards.

"CEDRIC! NO!" I screamed as Ced's body flew through the air passed me.

"What about this one my lord?" The fat short man walked to me, his wand pointed out at me.

"Get her out of my sight." The screechy voice hissed.

Before I could do anything the man flicked his wand and I, like Cedric went flying. My wand disconnected from my pocket as my body plummeted into a jaggeder grave. I was left remaining, slumped up and with my vision clouding. I could feel my head pounding as my eyelids slipped closed.

Harry Potter: Alex Fletcher: the fighter, champion and hope.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant