Moodys first class

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-Alex's Perspective-

I had transfiguration first. And thankfully my friends did too.

We shared the class with Ravenclaws, who where both a mix of shyness and snobbiness. Though a girl named Cho helped me remarkably well. I had done pretty well in that class as far as I was concerned. Having only done a few basic things with Mrs Weasley and now jumping into a whole class on spells.

Plus with both Cho and Hermione helping I had been able to  transfigure a fork into a toad, even if it had a fork shaped tail sticking out the end of it.

We made our way to the next class which turned out to be DADA, which meant Defence Against the Dark Arts.

"We've had a whole cluster of teachers for this." Ron explained as him and the others led me to the classroom. "Quirrel, Lockhart and Lupin." He listed off his fingers. "All of which ended in some sort bad accident. Quirrel was secretly You-Know-Who, Lockhart was a snobby, fake idiot and Lupin a werewolf!" Ron continued, Hermione hit him on the last part. "What! He's not here now, is he?" Ron exclaimed rubbing his stomach where Hermione just hit him.

"No he's not, but have some respect." She said back sturnly, attempting to shove her new essay notes into her bag without them getting ruined.

We arrived at a spiral staircase where Seamus, Dean and Neville stood waiting.

"If you think I'm going alone into a class with that crazed pyscho you can think again." Seamus said gaining a laugh from us all.

"Stop it, you'll scare Alex." Hermione put an arm around my shoulder.

I wasn't scared, it seemed almost comical the amount of fear that Moody carried around with him.

"I'm not scared." I defended. "It sounds like a right laugh."


He stood in front of the class with a stick of chalk.

His hair, now dry, looked like bristles of an over used dish brush. Closer up his face looked even more contorted, it was as if it was torn apart and someone had badly sown him back together. There were parts of his face missing; primarily the bridge on his nose caught my attention.

I was sat next to Hermione who seemed extremely tense. She was sat upright, books on her desk in a neat pile. I looked at my side, it was scattered with: sheets of parthchment, a dark arts book Mrs Weasley had picked up for me and a broken quill, sprayed ink splurges as well of course.

Despite the lessons I under took at the Burrow, writing was the thing I found the hardest. I either pushed too hard causing the quill to snap or hold it in a way that caused my hand great pain and the quill inevitably breaking causing ink to spray everywhere.

Our new teacher stood in front of everyone. Us looking up at him but him equally as much looking down at us, with both eyes.

"Alstor Moody." He stated after a long silence. "Ex auror."

Ron had explained before the lesson that an Auror was 'a dark wizard catcher' basically someone that protects people, like the police but in the wizarding world.

"I'm here because Dumbledore asked me to cover this subject, end of story. Any questions?"

The room didn't even stir. Although the boys joked about it before, Moody was rather intimidating. His glass eye swirling in so many directions while his other stayed perfectly still was a distraction in a small sense.

Harry Potter: Alex Fletcher: the fighter, champion and hope.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz