Malfoy the asshole

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-Alex's Perspective-

A craze is going round the school at the moment, that craze is badges. But these badges weren't exactly the happy, lovely, kind badges, no because that would be way too easy.
There were two types. At first it just promoted Cedric but then turned to green that was to do with Harry stating;
'Potter stinks'
On the front along with a picture.

And another that cheered for Krum and then my face appeared with the words:
'Fletcher sucks'

I wasn't overly effected by them , that was until I got confronted by a large group of older years.

"Hey Alex, like the badge?" Some Ravenclaw sixth year asked me, shoving the badge right into my face. The rest of them stood around maliciously. Everyone portrays Slytherin as the bullies but really bullies are everywhere. Bullies are in Slytherin more than any other house sure. But that doesn't mean all of Slytherin are bad people and not all bad peoples are Slytherins.

"Leave me alone." I said back trying to push through but they wouldn't move. I wasn't prepared to fight them, there was at least seven of them, all older.

"You know what it's funny you suddenly arriving. Some might even wonder if you even are a witch at all." Said a boy with light brown hair. He was a Hufflepuff, who in all respect were the least likely house to pick fights.

I didn't feel the need to respond to him. But I couldn't just stand here, I'd end up using a hex on them, so instead I just bulldozed through them, barging past anyone that was around.

I could hear them laughing. Laughing at me and making more stupid comments. Most about how I was so young and no one likes me, people only felt sorry for me. Due to this distraction I bumped into someone, Harry. I'm knocked off my feet as we both seem to be going at fast pace, both with a form of aggression.

"Alex! I'm sorry are you alrig-"

"Yeah sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." I stuttered as I used Harry's stretched out arm to pull myself up.

"Me neither. Any plans for the first task? Because I could really use something." He chuckled as I dusted myself off. But something caught my attention.

"First task?" I questioned, confusion evident on my face and tone of voice.

"You mean you don't kn-"

"NO!" I shouted cutting him off instantly.

"Shh!" Harry tried to calm me down.

"Do you?" I asked, already kind of knowing the answer just hoping I heard something wrong.

"Yeah, how com-" He started to question me, but I was having none of it.

"Cut to the chase Harry!"

"Dragons, that's the first task, I don't know anything other than tha-" He started but I again interrupted.



How is he so calm about this? This is madness and surely illegal.  I know wizard and muggle law must very different there must be something wrong with this tournament.

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