The Tented Village

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-Alex's Perspective-

I followed a long serpent as it weaved through what I can only tell a demonic graveyard.

It arrived at house, it looked unused and old, it's bricks were once a colour but now only a mess of blacks and greys.

The rooms and furniture coated in a thick cluster of cobweb that linked each comer and wall together, draping everywhere like a decoration.

It approach stairs which I saw where solid oak the snake climbed I heard talking

"I will not disappoint you my Lord." A male voice that was sincere

I could only follow the snake, I couldn't stop watching it. It was from a view that looked down on everything, like an angle.

The snake roped around an old man who held a large torch and was watching the room the voices came from.

"Send the followers a sign." A raspy voice replied. The voice didn't even sound human. It was like how you imagine a person of great medical need to speak , as if they'd just had their lungs squeezed of all the air they could ever have.

I heard talking again a voice, it was raspy and dragged out but sounded a lot more feminine.

The snake looped around an old fashioned chair where lay a black cloak, two men where also in the room but I didn't see there faces.

I didn't understand what was going on, flashes of still imagines:

The first of a boy on the floor, he was an infant.
Then to a pile ashes and soot on a brick floor.
A man with shaggy black hair smiling at me then running.
Two men both holding wands and then a train station.


A green flash of light that blinded me.

I was woken by Fred standing over me. I was hot, sweating and shaking.

"You alright Alex?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Bad dream." My voice wobbling a little.

"You were screaming a lot, must of been one heck of a dream." He chuckled, I only nodded.


After a breakfast of eggs and toast we all had packed our bags and began to walk to where Arthur instructed.

I walked with the girls. After meeting them both I became very close with them.

Molly wasn't lying when she said Ginny would love having another girl in the house. Ginny had taught me a lot of things, she told me loads of funny stories about the boys. She also mentioned a few boys she thought were cute in her and even my year.
Ginny enjoyed a lot of things at school most of which seemed to be sports or outdoors orientated and was excited for her third year.

Hermione was very academic and became like a tutor to me. She was a lot more serious than Molly with lessons, but I did learn an awful lot.
She was, like Ginny, already becoming a sister to me.

Harry Potter: Alex Fletcher: the fighter, champion and hope.Where stories live. Discover now