Great hall

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-Alex's Perspective-

The students eyes watched tentatively, as I became the reason for their interruption.

I bee lined the space next to Hermione. And made my way towards the table. Hermione, thankfully seemed to understand and began to make a space next to her.

My face was a tomato, I'm sure of it. More heat than when the twins caught me looking at Cedric. All that was going through my head was not to trip. And luckily for me I didn't.

I reached the table without any issue apart from every eye on me; climbed over the bench and took the seat next to Hermione.

Then as if I was some sort of hero the table erupted into cheers and clapping.

Hermione squealed next to me hugging me tightly. And the boys opposite cheered and screamed like everyone else in the room, in a rage.

There were two other houses that clapped at the same time, no way close as to the enthusiasm of the Gryffindor table but clapping all the same.
The other table didn't clap at all, only started. Some even looking disgusted

The celebrations began to mellow, soon enough people began to talk among themselves again as normal.

"Told you you'd be a Gryffindor." Said Harry with a smirk opposite me.

"Yeah." I said kind of disheartened, because I wasn't actually sorted, I chose. I chose because I'm different. I decided to keep that part quiet for now.

I'm pretty sure although she doesn't let it on, Hermione has reserved feelings about me from what happened at the World Cup.

People began to introduce themselves to me: Seamus Finnigan, Lavender Brown, Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, Parvati Patil and Lee Jordan. They all spoke to me about why I was only starting this year, how I felt and how they were all going to keep an eye out for me.

Soon the teachers entered, through those all important and impressive double doors.
Snape didn't look at me once in his whole walk to the front, unlike the others who couldn't seem but to stare at me, as I shifted uncomfortably.

I soon realised Ron was right, first year sorting was extremely difficult to keep awake to. However Ron didn't have to contend with Serves Snape's staring from afar, as though he himself was planning a murder.

After the first years were sorted I realised it was a customary to clap and cheer anyone sorted to Gryffindor.

But after the few dozen were placed Dumbledore took up his place on a podium of a golden owl. I was aware that the others had painted a picture that these speeches contained boring safety rules and castle updates but I was rather interested, it was my first one.

"Well now we're all settled in and sorted, I would like to make an announcement this castle will not only be your home this-"

The door creaked open again like it had with me. A man with long thin greased hair and ragged clothing did a high kneed run towards Dumbledore. The whole way across the stone floor which echoed each of his motions.

"Filch." Snorted Ron as he found it hard to contain himself, his head on the table leaned over, ready for a nap.

"-year but to some very special guest as well you see Hogwarts has been choosen to-" Dumbledore paused to speck to the man in hushed whispers, this gave me time to hit Ron who was still slumped over the table without a care. The two stopped their chatter at the front and Filch went back the way he came, again with high knees as people giggled.

Harry Potter: Alex Fletcher: the fighter, champion and hope.Where stories live. Discover now