"I see combination of me and you in her, maybe that's why I like her and I like to spend time with her. Perhaps... Perhaps you could do it too. See, maybe she needs somebody even more femimine at least for some moments during day. Somebody, who doesn't wear pants all the time," she smirked, then tilted her head as she heard a horse neigh im courtyard. She came to the window and looked outside to see Elaine leaving on a black mare together with two guards. "It seems, that animals like her. Maybe they feel her powers and it calms them."

"She holds a light." Sansa agree with her sister as she walked to her side watching at Elaine with a small smile. "She can calm the animals and i really hope she have the ability to calm the beasts too." She adds with a small chuckle mentioning the men they're expecting to arrive. The truth was that after these peculiar dreams she had about her brother she felt uncomfortable and even scared to be around her alone. Last thing she wanted was for the young girl to read her confusing dreams,she felt embarrassed. "Hm.. maybe the Lord of Storm's End comes too. Who knows?" The crooked smile appear on Sansa's face as she teased her sister.

"Oh," Arya twiched her face a little and sighed. "Maybe, who can tell. We haven't spoken to each other for a long time," she cleared her throat awkwardly.

The day rolls to the end shortly and queitly as darkness consume the high stones of Winterfell and everyone gather back inside in the warm halls

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The day rolls to the end shortly and queitly as darkness consume the high stones of Winterfell and everyone gather back inside in the warm halls. The next day was important. The brothers are returning to their sisters. And for the first time after he left King's landing as a murderer to service on the Wall, Jon finally returns home.

Long before the sun comes out the ladies were already awaken. Arya head to the guards to prepare the shifts for the protection of the king to await. Sansa had to prepare her household to welcome her guests and make sure they will find comfort to rest .Elaine was nervously pacing forth and back on a courtyard of Winterfell. In a moment, when she heard riders approaching and guards opened a gate, her heart skipped a beat from happiness and excitement.

Not minding the fact, that James was there as simple ranger under a command of Jon, as he saw his sister, he jumped from his horse and ran toward her, scooping her up into his embrace.

"I missed you so much," she cried tears of joy, even though it was just few days, it felt for her like years. She was suddenly glowing, like she was radiating warmth and light energy, that swallowed them both.

"I'm here now, I'm here," he whispered to her, holding her close.

Sansa and Arya appear from the interior to welcome them along with sir Davos.
"Welcome home, Lord Commander." Sansa hugged Jon after he jumped off his horse and kiss her crown.

"I'm glad to find you well, your Grace." The smile from his face despite the formality was there when he saw them.

"Welcome back,Lord Commander!" Davos nods politely so as Jon did.

Then he turns to hug Arya. He kissed her temple and whisper. "Thank you for keeping them safe. I missed you."

"I'm glad to see you well, Elaine." Jon smiled softly at the girl. "Of course he would come Sansa promise you that. Didn't she?"

Queen of NorthHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin