I was hugged by several of his Aunties when I entered the living room

But I only recognized two voices

One belonged to Aunty Yusrah, and one belonged to Halima's mom

I thought she didn't like me, what was she doing here then

At this moment it sounded like she was extremely happy to have me as her daughter in law but I knew it was all for show

"....kar kima mijin ki rashin kunya, kar kiyi tsawa, kar ki mishi tsoki, kibari shi ya baki hakuri in ya gane kuskurenshi" that was honestly the only thing I heard from the dozens of women perching in their own advices because I kept zoning out (Don't disrespect your husband, Let him be the one to apologize when he realizes his mistake)

When everyone stood up to leave I felt someone hug me

I didn't know who it was until I heard the voice close to my ear "Even though you stole my crush I still kind of love you, even though I hate you, I'll miss you..a little"

I laughed a little before I hugged her back

I'll miss this annoying dumb girl too

"I'll miss you too Rumaisa" I said as I hugged her back

I released her and someone dragged my hand forward

I was taken into a jeep which was very hard to enter

When I finally struggled to enter with the help of the woman behind me

The voice of the person driving the car sounded so familiar

I later recognized it as Al'amin's

The guy who saved me from those people

I smiled a little

Before I knew it we were at their Home

Immediately I went out the car, I realized this house was 6 times more noisier than my house

What the hell?

Immediately I went out the car all I heard was budda

I could feel us walking up the stairs that led to the front door

We entered inside a place and it was much quieter than outside but it wasn't quiet either

It seemed that everyone seemed to seat down

My face was opened but my eyes were still closed, I opened my eyes to see Nona looking at me with a smile of adoration, I smiled back at her

She surprised me by giving me a hug

I hugged her back and the cheers became louder

"Welcome to the family" she told me

"I'm sorry there wasn't time to arrange your lefe, so here's  my gift for you" she told me pointing at 10 big boxes at the left side of her room

The room cheered again


Some of his Aunties that didn't meet me came to see me

I was getting uncomfortable sitting there in the middle of nona's room while everyone came to see me but
I couldn't complain

It wasn't until it was time for Magrib prayer that everyone started to stand up to go pray

"Hauwa, take her to Umar's room" Nona said to someone behind me

I turned to see a beautiful dark skinned girl behind me

She smiled and she helped me up

We went out of the room and we walked up the stairs

Instead of taking a right turn like we did last time with Halima we took the left turn

This place is so freaking big!

We reached a door and She opened the door and we entered

It was like thrice the size of my room it was grey and white

It looked so nice

Immediately I went in all I could smell was Umar

What the actual hell?

"I'm hauwa" she  told me with a grin and she hugged me

I hugged her back "hauwa ya kike?"

"Lafiya, I'm Halima's older sister" she told me

No wonder she looked familiar, she looked like Halima but a slightly darker version

She's so nice


Turaren wuta - A type of traditional perfume

Budda- Yodeling


How are you all?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter

I'm sorry for updating very late but I have good news

I changed my phone so we are no longer going to  have problems with updates

It's going back to its usual 'update after three days' 🥳🥳🥳🥳


Luv: M📗

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