-Episode11-[Mojito Cocktail]

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*Third Person P.O.V*

The five members of the venom squad walked side by side into the plain white laboratory. Their footsteps echoed through the empty hallways as they were making their way inside a door. The leader, Emperor Scorpion, pressed his thumb against the fingerprint scanner which was attached to the wall next to the door. The device made a 'beep' sound before flashing green followed by the door sliding open on its own. Without wasting much time, the squad walked in.

In front of them stood a strange looking machine-like object. Dr. Leo was inside there, only his head, at least.

"We've come to see you, doctor" Gusion spoke up.

"I've been expecting. How is the situation? Have you managed to get the magic cube?"

"Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, I'm afraid we've haven't succeeded yet"

"Um hm. Remember, don't waste too much time. It would be too late before we realized it"

"We will get it next time, definitely. Don't you worry doctor, we won't let you down" said Vespid.

"Yeah! I'm more than ready to kick those SABERS and Mr. Wu's asses!" Harley exclaimed.

"I have high expectations for you children. I'm counting on you to rescue Zlatan from the hands of evil"

"Yes, Doctor Leo"


After paying a visit to the Doctor, the V.E.N.O.M decided to head out and get some lunch at a burger place. Angela, Gusion and Hanabi sat on one side of the table and as for Harley and Grock they sat on the other side. A waitress came to take their orders soon after.

Hanabi rested her head on her palm and stared out into the window. The parking lot, cars and pedestrians come and go. The view of this world appears to be so plain to her. She had wished the world that everybody was living in would be more interesting than this. This atmosphere doesn't suit her preferences, not at all. Hanabi sighed and turned her head back to see her teammates. None of them seemed to actually care about the settings of this world like she did. It appeared as if they couldn't care less whether it changes or not and would just live with whatever was set up upon their fate and destiny. And those thoughts made her feel sickened.

The marksman put her hands down on the table and sank her face down, resting her forehead on her hands. With a deep breath, she closed her eyes and put her mind at ease.

"Ayee! Sup Gus! Great to see ya here, mate!"

Hanabi's eyes snapped back open at the loud exclamation with a heavy bang on the table. She groaned and raised her head up, shooting a fierce glare at whoever interfered with her mood. There, she saw two tall males. One with blonde hair and the other one with stylish chocolate brown, also known as Alucard and Claude. They were also the person whom Hanabi would define as "the most annoying duo in the whole Land of Dawn".

Her eyes twitched once she has got a sight of their appearances.

"Hey. What a coincidence to see you guys" Gusion replied back. Him and Alucard then did random fist bump and hand gesture styles like what besties would do.

"Come hang with us, bro!" Claude yelled despite already being with each others in a close distance receiving stares and glares from the other costumers, especially the VENOM members themselves, except for, of course, Emperor Scorpion.

"Yeah I've got loads of stuff to share with you, dude. Wanna know how I got into the Lightborn squad?" Alucard added.

"Yeah I'd love to hear about that" said Gusion as he got up from his seat. He then turned to the rest of his teammates. "I'll see you guys later this evening. Peace" he made a peace sign with his fingers the walked away with his two best friends.

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