-Episode 5- [Drunken state]

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*Hanabi's P.O.V.*

"Gusion, that's enough... you drank too much already" I sighed and patted his back.

"Shut up! I drink as much as I want!" He yelled. "Fanny! Give me more beer this instant!"

The bartender, Fanny, who was one of our friends, handed him another glass of beer. He violently grabbed it gulped the drink down his throat.

"Gosh...Hanabi, what in the world happened to him? Why is he like that?"

"He came across Lesley this morning. And he's been devastated ever since. I thought a few drinks could help so I brought him here. But man...I regret it now" I explained while shaking my head.

"Lesley? Isn't she his...ex girlfriend?"

I nodded as a response.

"I heard she's dating Granger now, actually" said Fanny.

"WhAt?!  ThAt eMo PuNk?!" Gusion threw his head to our direction. His face was all red from drinking. Even so, he drank more and more.

"Hanabi... Don't you think he could use some help?" Fanny asked in concern.


"Yeah. I mean- why don't you help him out a bit?"

"But how could I possibly help him?"

"Just make him forget about Lesley. Clearly he hasn't moved on from her yet..."

"You mean, you're telling me to get involved in his love life? And get my heart crashed? Come on, Fan. He's not worth it" I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my own drink.

"Who says you have to fall for him for real, though? Your heart won't be damaged unless you love him for real. So as long as you don't fall, it's totally fine!"

I took a glance at him. He was asleep already.

"You have a point there. I'll consider that. But this bastard is known to have broken many hearts before. I'm not sure if I can manage this, Fanny"

"Take your time. You don't have to help him if you don't want to. But he looks so pitiful right now" Fanny let out a sigh and cleaned her glass with a napkin.

"It's late now. I should get going. Thanks for the free drinks, Fanny"

"Haha, anytime! Since you two are my friends. Drop by my place again sometime!" She said with a smile.

I put Gusion's arm on my shoulder and dragged him out of the bar. The smell of alcohol touched my nostrils. Not to mention his weight...ugh. Why did I bring him here in the first place? Should've known this would happen eventually.

Once we reached the lab, I brought him to his room and laid him down on the bed. The drunk man threw his arms everywhere and groaned. I sat down and breathed a deep breath. Carrying him back home surely took a lot of energy.

Fanny's words flashed in my mind. Should I help him? But... why should I? There's no advantage to gain. Now come to think of it... I actually like him a little bit.

Before I knew it, Gusion grabbed my waist and pulled me down on the bed with him. He rested his head on my chest and whined like a baby.

Now that made me feel even more guilty if I don't do anything at all to help him.

"Les...Lesley..." he whimpered.

Why can't you say my name instead of hers? What's the special thing about her that I don't have?

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