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Is this how people feel on vacation? I don't like this... I almost rush out of bed to put on a nice blazer and get ready to walk down a runway and get paid for it. Then I realize that I'm not at my house and that there's another, thinner boy sleeping next to me. My memories of yesterday flood back and I wish that my brain would block out everything that happened. I never went home last night and ended up sleeping in only my briefs-not a good choice when the leaves are falling off the trees-although, I don't think Jungwoo had many complaints. I have nothing with me but the clothes I was wearing and my phone. I take my cellphone from the end table and check my notifications. There are a few news reports about my leaving but I decide not to read them. I shouldn't worry about what the public thinks. It's still very tempting though.
I finally get out of bed and choose to lay on the couch instead. I decide to watch TV until Jungwoo wakes up. I don't normally have a lot of free time to watch TV. I feel like I've missed a lot of what life is supposed to be when you're twenty. I've spent most of my adult time modelling and focusing on my work. Maybe leaving was a good thing. I try to let myself relax and enjoy this couch and the lack of plans for the day, but it just isn't something that I'm able to do. It takes less than ten minutes for my foot to start tapping. I press the power button on the remote and turn off whatever show I really wasn't paying attention to. My car is still left parked in my driveway, so I can't exactly go anywhere and I don't think it would be a very smart idea to walk around town right now. I don't feel like being noticed and interrogated about my leaving. The best I can do right now is apply online. I've always kept a digital version of my portfolio in my phone and I'm happy that I did. I know of some popular companies so I search their names and send each one an e-mail with an attached link to my portfolio. I hope I hear something soon.


It's my turn to drive us somewhere. I found Lucas on the couch when I woke up and let him go through my kitchen to pick something for breakfast. He's been over enough times that he should know where things are by now.
"I really wish we could do something today but I have to go in to work." I explain. "I'll take you home." I offer and he agrees.

Before we leave, I get my things together for the meeting and tuck them inside a folder. I don't need any of my equipment, which I'm extremely grateful for. I love my job, but I hate the weight of the equipment. A week ago, i expected to be at this meeting empty handed. I didn't have any good ideas for the company until Lucas quit.


I rehearse my speech in my head while I wait for everyone to enter the room and sit down. Once everyone's ready, the Director of Photography, Bree stands up and gets our attention. She greets everyone then sits back down, letting the first of my colleagues give their ideas to better the company. We continue like this for close to an hour and I wish I could doodle on my notepad or fall asleep, but considering the fact that I've been recently moved to lead photographer, I think I should be focusing and taking notes.
It's finally my turn and stand at the end of the table.
"We're a lead magazine company and we've hired models for our shoots before." I start and the faces that look back at me seem bored. I hope that I can get their attention.
"We have a few connections with models but none of them are completely devoted to us. I have someone who will be completely devoted to us and our shoots." Now I have their attention.
"Lucas Wong." I say it confidently and many eyebrows raise at me.
"Im often photographing Mode Maudelle models and considering our new contract with them, there isn't much paperwork that needs to be done. It's a quick and easy way for us to get more attention." We work through some smaller details and everyone seems to like my proposal. Our meeting continues and I'm finally given permission to make my plan happen.

Lucas doesn't know yet, but I know that he won't refuse this job after leaving a place like Maudelle.

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