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Jungwoo sprung  into his familiar routine of fashion show prep. He laid out a nice outfit the night before and washed his hair and face in the morning. He often called Haechan on the mornings of his shows who would bring a large supply of makeup. Haechan lightly powdered the other boy's face, applying neutral colours on his eyes and maybe a small amount of lip gloss. Jungwoo wasn't very interested in makeup, but the fashion shows that he attended had a high standard of beauty that he needed to meet, especially since he represented the Caller Magazine company. Jungwoo heard the front door's handle click followed by footsteps, growing in sound. Haechan appeared in the doorway of the small bathroom, Jungwoo leaning against the sink while trying to style his hair. The younger boy who Jungwoo thought to be a beauty guru dropped his makeup bag on the countertop before grabbing jungwoo's shoulders, turning the photographer in his direction. Haechan peered up at the boy before taking a deep breath and letting out a long sigh.

"I really need to teach you how to do this stuff one day." Haechan pointed at Jungwoo's face and hair.

"I'll do it." Grumbled the younger boy. Jungwoo watched as Haechan shuffled through his bag and removed a mountain of bottles, containers and brushes that varied in colour, shape and size.

"Woah. Overkill?" Jungwoo stared at the countertop, now buried with makeup.

"I just want you to make a good first impression on the model. We don't know how high his standards are." Haechan shrugged.

"First of all, the model has a name. It's Lucas. And second, what do you mean 'how high his standards are?' I'd like to think that my face is half decent, thank you very much." Jungwoo crossed his arms and jut out his bottom lip.

"Just shut up and look at me. Your eye bags are taking up half of your face." Haechan grabbed Jungwoo's chin, tilting it to a better angle. The two boys stood in the bathroom for what seemed like an eternity. Jungwoo didn't care for makeup and found himself bored. Haechan finally put down his brushes and closed his makeup palettes. The younger finally smiled up at his friend, gesturing for him to look in the mirror. Jungwoo turned to look at his reflection. Light browns surrounded his eyes and his lips shone a light pink. His face seemed brighter, somehow. More alive.

"Now go get yourself a man." Haechan smirked at Jungwoo before leaving the bathroom and presumably, retrieving the clothes laid out on Jungwoo's dresser. The boy quickly returned with a pile of clothes slung over his arm. Jungwoo stared at the clothes. He hadn't remembered picking out those pants, nor that jacket.

"The clothes on your dresser were a little too boring. So, I took some artistic liberties and made you a new outfit." Haechan explained before pushing the clothes at his friend. He gave the clothing to Jungwoo before leaving the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

Jungwoo examined the outfit before putting the clothes on. He laid the pieces on the countertop, staring at each before doing so. He pulled on a tight fitting pair of dress pants and tucked in a black button-up. He threw on the blazer that he didn't even know he had. It was a light cream colour and black embroidery danced up the fabric. Small jewels glinted in various spots and matched the necklace and earrings that was paired with the clothing. Lastly, he slipped on a pair of black swede boots that had a small heel. Jungwoo looked at his reflection one last time before leaving the small space. The shoes and pants made him look taller and the jacket hugged his small frame nicely. He looked lean under the clothes. His dark blue hair was a nice contrast against the light jacket. Surely, he was going to catch Lucas' attention.

Jungwoo excited the bathroom to find Haechan who waited for him in the living room. When Haechan saw his friend in the doorway, he jumped up from his place on the couch, rushing to Jungwoo's side to fix his clothes. The boy pulled at the jacket and smoothed the shirt's collar.

"You're going to look so good! It looks so nice on you." Haechan complimented. Jungwoo thought back to his wardrobe.

"Haechan, where did you find these clothes? I don't own a jacket like this or this jewelry." Jungwoo took a few steps back from his friend.

"I just figured I'd buy you some new stuff. You said you wanted my help, so I'm helping." Haechan continued to straighten out Jungwoo's clothes, ignoring the older one's eye roll. He had to admit, Haechan was a good friend. Sometimes too good. Haechan stopped adjusting his friend's clothes and looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

"One more hour before Jungwoo finds himself a date." Haechan giggled. Jungwoo felt his heart speed up a little. He was nervous to make a move on somebody who might not have even been interested in boys. He finished packing up his photography equipment and slung it in the back of his car before sitting in the driver's seat and taking himself to what he hopped would be a successful night.

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