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Jungwoo reentered the room that previously housed the catwalk. He had seen a team of workers moving the decorations and furniture from the room while he waited for the party to start. The space was now cleared and there were large posters and booths showcasing the Mode Modelle brand. There were countless of people roaming the room and Jungwoo could easily see who was part of Madame Maudelle team of models. They were tall, slim and glamorous and their clothes were expensive looking and intricate. It was an understatement to say they looked ethereal. Many of the models conversed with the public and idled around the booths, answering questions. Madame Maudelle could also be spotted roaming around. She was all smiles, posing with her models for photos and laughing with her fans. Her sparkling black jacket made her stand out like the sun.

Jungwoo approached the designer. He pulled out his best friendly voice and raised his grammar to a professional tone.

"Madame Maudelle? It's so nice to see you." Jungwoo stretched out his hand, waiting to shake hers.

"Oh, hello! Have I met you before? You seem familiar." The small lady asked. Her brows pulled together, she tilted her head to the side. Jungwoo nodded his head and explained.

"I've been to a few of your shows and I've participated in a few of your models' photo shoots. I'm the head photographer at Caller Magazine."

"Ah, yes. Your name is Jungwoo right? It's so nice to finally get a chance to talk to you. I think the new contract will go well!" Mrs. Maudelle grinned wide.

"So do I." Jungwoo agreed with the icon and laughed nervously. He had no idea what contract she was talking about. Maybe she meant the contract he signed when he became head photographer. He knew about hundreds of news articles and fashion lines that hadn't been exposed to the public eye yet and he signed his name on that paper that said he would keep his mouth shut about the confidential information.

"Speaking of photography, may I take a few photos of you before we part ways?" Jungwoo requested.

"Of course." The woman answered. She stood back from Jungwoo and posed a few times for the camera. Jungwoo thanked her one last time and the two went their separate ways.

Jungwoo began waking idly throughout the room. He stopped at a few booths and chatted with the models, asking about their work. He was purposefully avoiding the far left corner of the room. He refused to admit it, but he was attempting to stay away from the top model. Lucas Wong smiled brightly and laughed with people in his little space. Jungwoo stared at him from across the room and felt his heart drop to the floor. His temperature rose but his skin felt cold. He was startlingly nervous.

He stood across the room, eyeballing the model for a few more seconds before he breathed in and stepped one foot in front of the other.

He approached the group of models that kept Lucas laughing with Madame Maudelle and a few fans.

"H-hello." Jungwoo announced to the group shyly.

Lucas' head pivoted, his long silver earring swinging around his head. He searched the room for the home of the voice until he set his sights on Jungwoo.

"Hi!" Lucas grinned. He reached for the boys hand. Jungwoo accepted the hand that adorned a wide variety of expensive rings with a shaking arm. Now was Jungwoo's chance to get Lucas alone. He had a chance to talk to him in private.

"I um. C-could I get a few pictures of Mode Maudelle's top model?" Jungwoo requested.

"Oh, Jungwoo!" Madame Maudelle called.

"Lucas, he's so sweet, and he's from Caller. You should go take a few photos." The designer prodded.

"Of course." Answered Lucas. He left the tight-knit circle of people and approached Jungwoo. The petite photographer snapped a few shots of Lucas, all the while shaking in his skin. The model stared at the camera dramatically. He made his gray, black and white floral suit jacket look amazing. His jewelry stood out against his tan skin and his shinning silver chain stood out agains his collar bones. His black dress pants, personally made and fitted shoes and black button-up dress shirt were no match for his natural beauty. He finished off by flashing a few smiles. The model was no doubt more beautiful in person.

"Thank you so much. These photos will look amazing." Jungwoo praised.

"Thank you, I'm glad I could help." Lucas said. He began to turn away when Jungwoo stopped him short.

"Uh, Lucas I-" Jungwoo stopped.

The model turned around and looked back at the cameraman.


This was Jungwoo's chance. He finally got a chance to give the model his number. To ask him to go out somewhere. To get to know him better.

"Would you- I mean I- uh. I'm looking forward to working with you in the future." Jungwoo chocked up and chicken out in asking the model for his time.

"Oh." Replied the model. His smile faltering slightly.

"Me too. You're Jungwoo, right?" Asked Lucas.

"Oh, yeah. It's nice to meet you." Confirmed the boy. Lucas nodded his head and returned to his growing group of models and fans.

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