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The weeks that passed moved quicker than ever for Lucas. After the show, work slowed. It always did after a big show like the one from the past Saturday. All the preparations before shows became hectic, trying to get everything ready in time. After shows or any type of live advertising, work seemed to calm. The group of models and teams no longer had long lists of tasks to rush through and didn't have to worry themselves with endless hours of training and practicing.

When Yuta told Lucas about his plan last Saturday, Lucas was angry. He hadn't been prepared for the night to end the way it did. He wasn't ready to talk to Jungwoo. Would he ever be? He regretted yelling at Yuta. Truthfully, Lucas was glad that Yuta and Sicheng took matters into their own hands. Lucas knew that he would have never built up the courage to do what they did and that night might have been the last chance Lucas would have gotten to finally interact with the photographer. Yuta had mustered up a surprising amount of patience that night, as well. He didn't yell back at Lucas. He stood in front of the other boy who huffed in annoyance and anger in the middle of the parking lot. He kept his mouth shut and didn't say a word. Lucas had stormed off like a child, he thought. Looking back on their conversation, Lucas decided that he shouldn't have been that way. He knew what he was getting himself into. Yuta told about his plan weeks before the show, when the two sat at the arcade. Yuta did what he was asked and didn't deserve Lucas' anger. Lucas called his close friend once he woke up the next morning. Lucas had been tired and stressed for the show and with the left over adrenaline still running through his head, being told that Jungwoo had Lucas' number in his pocket wasn't the best thing that could've happened. But when Lucas' phone dinged from a notification. He felt his heart sink from nerves, but he smiled from excitement. The phone said unknown number, but Lucas knew exactly who was trying to spark up a conversation. He watched the message come through, but he didn't answer right away. He didn't know what to say and didn't want to seem like a stalker watching his phone. He waited as long as he could-which was only a few minutes-and answered. He tried to seem as calm as possible in his message.

Hi! Sorry about my friends last night, they can be a little much.

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Lucas sat in his car and stared at the restaurant. The windows' warm glow lit the walkway softly. It was a nice restaurant, maybe too nice. He didn't want to seem too fancy but he also wanted to treat Jungwoo to a great night. Lucas always spotted Jungwoo being surrounded by fancy clothes and prim meetings, but Jungwoo didn't seem to care for those types of things. Lucas stared down the restaurant once more and worked up as much courage as he could. He double checked his pockets for his wallet and keys. He pulled on the mirror above his head and checked his clothes. He smoothed down the collar of his simple white dress shirt and tucked the thin gold chain underneath, so it could barely be seen, glinting against his collarbones. He locked the car doors behind him and stuffed his belongings into his patterned black pants. A smiling woman greeted Lucas at the door and showed him to the reserved table. Lucas thanked her and waved her off, waiting for Jungwoo before ordering anything. He pulled out his phone and swiped across the screens without much of a task in mind. He just didn't want people to think he was eating alone, or had been stood-up. At least, Lucas hoped he wasn't being stood-up.

Lucas started to look through the drink and dessert menues as he waited. He started to read about a chocolate cake when a small figure caught his attention. He looked up and found Jungwoo standing beside the table, grinning down at the model. Lucas said his awkward hellos before Jungwoo sat down. Lucas watched as Jungwoo's shoulders bounced as he giggled. Jungwoo took off his suede jacket and hung it over his chair to hide the fact that his cheeks were burning. Lucas smiled and decided to keep his comments to himself. Jungwoo's dark hair made his cheeks look even brighter and Lucas found himself staring more. That boy was cute.

The waitress that previously gave Lucas his table returned and took their food orders.

"You look nice." Lucas looked at his plate and mumbled the compliment. Once again, Jungwoo tried to push down his smile and hide the blush that crept up his cheeks. Jungwoo thanked him quietly.


Jungwoo was relieved by the easy conversation that sprung up between him and Lucas. He had been nervous before he entered the restaurant. He was about to meet with somebody that had been stuck in his mind for months. Even after their date, the night felt unreal as Jungwoo retold the events to Haechan. Jungwoo stood in front of his sink with his phone propped on the counter. He washed his face as he talked, his words muffled from the cloth.

"It went so well, Haechan. I honestly thought he was going to be some stuck-up rich person."

"I told you. You should've known that. You've been in the same room with him how many times? You know he's not stuck-up."

"Well what did you expect me to do? I was still nervous." Jungwoo could hear Haechan sigh through the phone. Haechan listened to the rest of Jungwoo's rant, giving input only after every few sentences. The date went well and him and Lucas were finally talking, getting to know each other. Jungwoo hung up the phone and went to bed. He fell asleep smiling, thinking about the night.

Work of Art || LuwooNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ