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The buzzer to Haechan's apartment sounded. The loud noise woke him up and he grunted from annoyance. He continued to lay in bed while waiting for whatever visitor that was trying to see him so early in the morning to leave. Haechan's pillow stayed pressed against his ears while he waited for the buzzer to stop. The loud sound continued and Haechan got up, frustrated from being woken up without notice. His feet padded lightly against the cold floors as he made his way to the small box on the wall that was suspended beside the door.

"Hello?" Haechan's groggy voice echoed through the machine.

"Get dressed, you're coming with me." Haechan's tiredness left him when he realized who it was.

"Mark, you should have called me. I was asleep." Haechan whined.

"I did. Check your phone. Your voice sounds hot, by the way." Haechan could hear the smile in Mark's voice.

"Suck-up. My phone's in my bedroom, one second." Haechan walked back to his bedroom quickly to retrieve his phone. He turned to leave the room in a rush to get back to the call monitor.

"Ow!" Haechan stumbled forward a few steps while he gripped his toe. He turned back, still in pain, and saw the door swinging slowly.

"stupid door."

Haechan looked through his phone as he walked back and checked through his contacts. He had two missed calls and a message. All of which were from Mark.

"You want me to come with you?"

"Yeah. I'm not staying and I'm supposed to talk to Sicheng about your friend."

"Hey, you know him too."

"I've only known him for a few months and I don't want to sound like some creep who's asking too many personal questions."

Haechan rethought his argument. He didn't have anything else planned for the day, anyways and it gave him an opportunity to help Jungwoo with his love life. Haechan smirked inwardly.

"Fine, I'll be down in a few minutes."

: : :

Haechan was familiar with the company building since Mark would be the next owner and dealt with a large amount of it's business. He knew most of the people that mark worked with, considering the fact that they often caught Mark texting Haechan during work hours. Mark parked in the spaces reserved for employees. He took Haechan's hand and led him through the building. The Lee industry towered above the buildings around it and reflected the sun against the black tinted windows. Mark pulled the doors open and was greeted by the lady who sat at the front counter.

"Mark, why are you in today?"

"I just have some leftover work. I figured I'd come in before I get too behind." Mark came up with his lie surprisingly quick.

"And hello, Haechan." The woman smiled at Haechan who stood beside Mark, still holding his hand. She glanced at Mark suggestively before he denied what she was implying. He continued to hold Haechan and pulled him away from the counter.

"Sicheng gets off at ten." Said Mark. Haechan looked at the time on his phone to see how much longer they needed to wait. They were fifteen minutes early. Just enough time to find the recording booth Sicheng was using.

Haechan and Mark took the elevator to the third floor. The doors opened, leading to a hallway of more glass doors. Haechan peered through the first one. The walls were lined with soundproof cushions and housed expensive looking recording equipment. A few of the rooms had a small red light above their door, signalling that a recording was in session.

"He said he's in this one." Mark pointed to a room that wasn't very far from them. Mark entered the room first and waved for Haechan shortly after. When he entered he saw Sicheng behind the glass wall, singing into a microphone. There was another man sitting in front of a large table with different buttons and slides. He wore headphones and adjusted different knobs on the panel. After recording, Sicheng stepped out of the booth and finally noticed Mark.

"Hi, I thought you were off today." Sicheng looked between Mark and Haechan.

"I was but I wanted to talk to you about something." Sicheng's brows knitted together.

"Is everything okay?"

"Lucas..." Sicheng began smiling once Mark announced the model.

"Let's go down to the food court. I'll tell you once I buy some food." Sicheng held the door open for the other two and followed them to their destination. Haechan and Mark found a table and saved a seat for Sicheng, who returned with a box of fries.

"Is this Haechan?" Sicheng pointed his fry in the visitor's direction. Haechan nodded.

"Nice to finally meet you, then."

"He's friends with Jungwoo." Sicheng lurched forward and started to cough. He drank the can of pop that sat beside him, trying to clear his throat.

"Lucas's Jungwoo?" Sicheng's eyebrows rose to meet his bangs. He sputtered, trying to find the right words.

"You have to get Lucas to talk to Jungwoo. Jungwoo knows he's straight, but he still wants to talk to him at least once. He doesn't stop talking about that model." Haechan crossed his arms jokingly.

"Don't be so sure about that." Mark and Haechan both looked at the other boy in confusion.

"He's been talking about Jungwoo too, but he's too scared to talk to him, so I dropped a certain person's number in Jungwoo's pocket." Sicheng smirked.

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