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Jungwoo's previous night had been filled with emotions. He was so close to Lucas Wong and he froze and ended up losing his chance to get closer to him. The photographer returned home after the party and went to bed sulking. The magazine company always gave him a day off after the shows and he planned to sleep his sadness away but was interrupted by his cell phone ringing beside his head. He pushed his face into his pillow in annoyance and waited for the caller to hang up. The phone finally stopped ringing and Jungwoo resumed his sulking. He was about to return to his peaceful resting when once again, the phone sounded from beneath his head.

The boy gave up on his sleeping plans and finally looked to see who was trying to contact him so early in the morning. In bold letters at the top of his screen showed Haechan's name. Of course jungwoo thought. Who else would it be?

"Haechan, do you know what time it is? I was sleeping." Jungwoo spoke into the phone.

"Well, yeah. But me and Mark got bored so I figured we'd stop by your place and ask about how last night went. You know. With that model and all." Haechan hinted.

"No, Haechan. Nothing happened." Jungwoo started to pout again.

"What do you mean nothing happened? I told you to go talk to him!" Haechan scolded his older friend.

"Well, now we really need to come over." Haechan pushed.

"No. You're not comi-"

"We'll be there in twenty minutes. See you soon!" Haechan stopped jungwoo mid sentence and ended the call after his statement.

The tired boy tossed his phone onto the end table and let out a long groan before rolling to the edge of the bed and getting up. He was still extremely tired and wasn't particularly thrilled to have Haechan barging into his apartment. He loved his friend but all he wanted to do today was lay in bed and forget his previous night. He pulled a comfortable sweater out of his closet and tugged a pair of lose jogging pants around his waist.

His bare feet padded across cold linoleum tiles of his kitchen's floor, making soft tapping noises as he walked. He found a bowl in his cupboard and filled it with cereal. He got a glass of water and took his breakfast with him to the couch. He sulked some more and ate in silence until his front door opened and his loyal friend stepped inside with his boyfriend, Mark. It was clear that Haechan also forced Mark out of bed. His hair dark brown hair was still tangled and his face was flushed from suddenly being woke.

"Hello?" Haechan called into the appartement. A few moments later, the familiar face popped around the corner and stood in front of the couch.

"Haechan, don't worry about it. It was just a crush." Jungwoo muttered into his bowl.

"Alright, put the bowl down." Haechan took the  cereal from Jungwoo's lap and set it on the coffee table. He dropped beside Jungwoo onto the couch and Mark entered the living room shortly after. He pushed the bowl to the side and took its place on the table so that he was positioned in front of Jungwoo. Haechan's Canadian boyfriend was clearly sleep deprived but although Jungwoo wouldn't admit it, he was happy that Mark was willing to comfort him, even though they only knew each other through the fashionable Haechan.

"What happened?" Haechan nudged his friend's arm but Jungwoo wouldn't look at him. He was too busy sulking into his lap. He cupped the blue head's face and forced his friend to look at him. Jungwoo huffed through his squished cheeks and began explaining last night's events.

"He was standing in the corner with a bunch of other models and the designer and I kept staring at him the whole night. I finally went to talk to him but I panicked and just took photos of him. It's really not a big deal. I'll get over it. I didn't expect to talk to him in the first place." Jungwoo shrugged.

"No. You're not giving up on him, Jungwoo." Haechan spoke with authority.

"Haechan, it's just a crush."

"I don't care! I can tell you like him. You've liked him for almost a year. You draw pictures of him, Jungwoo! You're going to get close to that man if it's the last thing I do and you can't stop me." Haechan let go of Jungwoo's face and smirked mischievously at his friend. That boy was stubborn and he was going to get his way.

"Fine. What do you want me to do?"

"Just take a breather. Next time you get sent to a show, talk to him. Talking to someone isn't going to hurt anybody."

"It's not that easy. Jungwoo complained. Last time I checked, he was going to a restaurant with his girlfriend." Jungwoo emphasized the last word. Jungwoo made a good point but the quiet boy sitting on his coffee table was quick to fire back.

"I'm pretty sure they broke up." Mark shrugged and returned to silently listening to the conversation. Canadians. Thought Jungwoo. All quiet and nice.

"See? If he's straight then at least you can still talk to him. Try to make a friend." Haechan smacked his friend's shoulder and got up from his spot. He started to strut in the direction of Jungwoo's kitchen.

"You guys want anything? I need a drink." He called over his shoulder. Mark and Jungwoo looked at each other for a few seconds. Jungwoo rolled his eyes as Mark chuckled under his breath and shook his head. That boy doesn't know how to quit. Jungwoo smirked inwardly.

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