Land of the dead

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Word count: 11013(Yeah, ik, it's long.)

Mature content: 14+ age. 

Lilith: My life. It's so boring. Just the same ol' same ol'. Nothing new ever happens. It's simple. Wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, classes, lunch, classes again, walk home, do chores, house work, maybe eat dinner and then go to sleep. So mundane. I hate it.

I look up at the night sky. I go outside a lot and look up at the stars. At that moment I see a shooting star. "I wish my life would change into an adventure and I'd find my true love," I say as I watch it zip across the sky. I'm sitting on the floor of the house. My room at the attic opening in it and from the attic you can get on the roof. I go up here a lot least to say.

Without meaning to I close my eyes. And just like that, I'm asleep. I never saw what happens next, coming.

Azazel: I wonder what this abnormally large village has in store. I have visited many a village but none this large. There should be at least something new here. Though I may want to ask about this place. Might want to hide my wings though. After I retract my wings into my body where they get replaced with a tattoo of wings I start to walk further into the village.

Lilith: I run into the woods in anger. It took them over seventeen years to tell me I was adopted! I couldn't be more upset right now! I trip over a log and go down. I get up and my ankle hurts.

I take the necklace my adoptive mother made me and look at it in my hands. You lied to me! You should have told me the truth so much sooner! Even when I asked if I could do a DNA test on all of us you said it wouldn't work! You should have told me the truth then! Tears cloud my vision and I harshly take the necklace off for the first time since I put it on.

My head gets fuzzy and I almost fall over. What's happening to me? I look at my hands and suddenly I get a throbbing pain in my head. I fall over and whimper. Gosh it hurts so much.

"Please make the pain stop! Please hear this, anyone please!" I pray out loud. The pain is getting so intense it's becoming a struggle not to start screaming.

It's feels like my whole body is being ripped apart but nothing hurts more than my head. I can feel something swirling inside of me. What did the necklace do to me?! Wait, was it holding something in me back? GOSH IT HURTS!

Azazel: As I walk through the village I hear a prayer. It is coming from a young girl and she sounds like she is in a lot of pain. To hell with it. I'm a god. I am getting there quickly. My tattoo disappears and my wings materialize. Immediately I shoot into the air in the direction of the girl. When I pinpoint her location I land near her. I see her curled in a ball while holding her head. Upon getting closer I hear her saying "Please, make it stop." I can feel magic in her but it is like an awakening. Her magic could be assaulting her mind. That might drive her to the point of insanity but I am not gonna let that happen. I sit down near her and pick her up. She remains curled into a ball but I know she is wary of me. "Don't worry. I am not here to hurt you. I want to help you young one."

Lilith: Suddenly I get an odd feeling. I can feel something with power come near me. I know I'm not alone. But only those who have magic can feel that, right? That's what I thought at least.

They pick me up and say, "Don't worry. I am not here to hurt you. I want to help you young one."

Somehow I know they're not lying. I try to speak but it doesn't work, only air comes out. It takes a couple tried but I finally manage to say, "The grey house on the edge of the woods to the north." It comes out very quietly and it sounds painful even to my own ears but I managed to say it nonetheless. That seems to be all he needed to hear because he takes off and I get a weird sensation of not being on the ground.

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