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(Word count: 4,212)

*High Mature content* 

Elizabeth: Sitting in my last class, health class, I listen to my teacher gabber on about I have no clue what because I stopped listening awhile ago. I really should be paying attention but this class is so boring. Then the teacher says something that gets my attention. He says something about first aid. Finally, we're getting into the interesting part! But the bell just has to ring once I'm finally interested.

Picking up my stuff I look out the window and see it's raining. I sigh, not to happy I have to walk home in the rain, considering my house is a twenty minute walk. I go to put my stuff in my backpack but my folder slips out of my hand and all my drawings skatter across the floor. Damn it! I rush to the other side of the table to pick them up.

Mr. Johnson: Class was dismissed and I am walking past the lockers when I see Elizabeth drop her folder and her drawings go everywhere. I bend down to help her pick them up and I end up picking up 3 before she has already picked up the rest. "Here you go Elizabeth. Your really good at drawing by the way." I hand her the three drawings I managed to pick up without them slipping out of my hand on the tile floor. I then get back up and start towards the door. Then I realize that it is raining and I know that Elizabeth doesn't have a ride home so I look to her and say "Would you like a ride home Elizabeth? I know it's raining and that you don't have a ride nor an umbrella."

Elizabeth: "Sure," I say, thankful that I don't have to walk home and thank him for helping me pick up my drawings. Shoving my stuff in my overfull backpack filled with homework I don't give a frick about I zip it up and sling it over my shoulder. As we're walking to his car I tell him my address so he knows where to take me.

Mr. Johnson: She tells me her address so I know where her house is. But I have other plans as to our destination. I noticed that she hasn't been paying attention in my class so I am going to "tutor" her. We get in the car and I ask her if she would like to see my kittens that I totally have and am not just saying this so she will agree to come with me to my house. Then I wait for her reply.

Elizabeth: "Oh, that's fine. I don't want to have to trouble you with having to drive to your place then to my house only to go right back to your place," I tell him. Even though I would like a kitten. My mom and I have been thinking about adopting one for awhile now.

Mr. Johnson: "Well if you would like I could give you a kitten or two free of charge. They are all caught up on their shots and they have been declawed so they can't tear up furniture or claw you accidentally. They can only bitch slap someone now."

Elizabeth: Laughing when I hear him say this I consider his offer for a minute before saying, "Well, my mom and I have been wanting to get a kitten, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to look," I tell him. Wow, he's a nice guy. We change directions and head to the outskirts of town. I didn't know he lived outside of town.

Mr. Johnson: I think for a moment and Mentally tell myself that I will send the kittens to her house after I actually purchase them. And I will leave a letter with them saying where they came from. It takes us like 5 minutes to get back to my house. Then I tell her "When we go inside I will need you to find them because they Love to hide and make no noise. I have to go get something from one of the upstairs room real fast." I then am glad that I had new stairs put in so they make no sound when I go upstairs. The old ones used to be creakier than my mother.

Elizabeth: Once we get to his house we go inside. He goes up the stairs and I start calling for the kittens. Where are those little rascals? Looking all over the living room I can't find them. I wonder when he'll be back downstairs. I continue to look for them but can't find any trace of kittens at all.

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