Demons Only Lover

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(Word count: 3,356)

Home alone again I am looking for my dog Buttercup. "Buttercup, here girl," I call but no answer. Odd, she usually comes running, even if she's asleep she can hear me. Going outside I call her name but still get no answer so I go back inside. 

"Buttercup?!" I call again getting worried. They wouldn't take her, they don't like her. She's only allowed here cuz I take care of her. Going up stairs I go to check my room and gasp when I see her laying on the floor not moving. Rushing over to her tears form in my eyes. She was only a year old, how did she die?! Where's her collar at? Looking around I see it laying in front of my closet. Odd. 

Going over to my closet I pick it up and turn around to walk back to Buttercup. Before I can take a step closer to my dog I feel an arm wrap around my waist and pull my towards them. Before I can scream I feel a hand over my mouth and hear a male voice whisper in my ear, "Do not scream or he'll find you." What?! I nod my head and he uncovers my mouth. 

"Who is he?" I whisper. 

"The demon that you summoned last night." he tells me. My blood goes cold. What? For one it was an internet fact on how to do it and for two I purposely didn't do it right in case it actually worked. I didn't want to do it in the first place but it was a dare. 

"But I purposely didn't do it right though," I whisper to him. 

"Whatever you did wouldn't have worked if you did it like it said too. You changing it is what caused it to work," he tells me. Okay, who the hell is he? 

Taking a step away I look at him and gasp. His hair is blue fire and his eyes are purple. Let alone the black-red horn on his head and shoulders. Plus that short black tail and inhuman facial features of his. Blinking a few times as he shifts into a human looking form I can't comprehend this. 

"Whatever you changed also summoned me. I'm here to help you get out of this," he says quietly. 

"How do I know I can trust you?" I question. 

"Because you have no other choice but too," he tells me his eyes going purple again. Looking away from his I notice its darker in the room. Looking at my doorway I gasp as something comes out of the floor. He's tall! 

Grabbing my arm purple eyes shoves me behind him. What's he doing?! Regaining my balance I can see what came out of the floor better. He's tall, black hair, and black horns on his head. His facial features are sharper than humanly possible. His eyes are pitch black and he has black claws on his hands. He's wearing a black suit and has a very long pointed tail. Lastly he has dark stops on the floor around him. This is what I somehow managed to summon?! Wow I really fricked up. No way can I talk my way outta this one, not this time at least.  

"You will not have her Drake," purple eyes says as he shifts back into his demon from. 

"Oh Alonzo, anyone would have thought you learnt your lesson for getting in my way the last time. I let you live then, I will not now." he says his features getting even more demonic, if that's even possible at this point. 

Launching himself at Alonzo I hear a sicking thunk and Alonzo falls to the ground. He was only trying to help me. This is all my fault, I can't let him get hurt anymore because of me! Looking up I see Drake is going in for the final blow. Taking a deep breath I make my body a wall between Alonzo and Drake. He stops and looks at me for a few seconds as if thinking then makes his features go darker as if to scare me. More dark splotches appearing around him,... he is becoming them?

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