Monster Mate

13 2 0

(Word count: 3,156)

Contains miled cursing. (Only twice)

Teila: I'm with my friend Jessy right now and we've just walked to the lake. Looking out at the water it's beautiful yet intimidating at the same time.

"Hey Te," Jessie says. From the tone of her voice I can tell she has an idea.

"Yea Jess?" I ask.

"What he we go into the water but not go deep enough to get our shorts wet?" she asks. I ponder on the idea for a moment and don't see any reason why we can't so I nod my head with a smile.

We both walk in, me slower than her. I'm timid of water. As I walk deeper I see something shiny. Ooo. I reach my hand in and pick it up. It's a shiny blue rock that almost appears to be glowing! I study it for a few moments before I stuff it into the pocket of my jean shorts and walk over to Jessy.

I follow Jessies startles gaze and see that there's something huge in the water due to there being a humongous shadow there. I'm startled to realize it's coming towards us.

Wasting no time I grab Jessie's arm and pull her to shore where she seems to regain herself and we both go running after quickly grabbing our shoes, not bothering to put them on. We run for about three minutes before we both stop, out of breath.

"What was that?" Jessie exclaims out of confusion.

"Perhaps it was a big school of fish?" I say but it comes out as a question. It had to of been that, I keep telling myself. I've swam in that lake plenty of times. There can't be anything in it. I shake my head to get the thought out of my head.

"Yea, you're right!" Jessie says laughing. "To think we were so scared of fish!" she say and then giggles again. I smile. Yea, just a school of fish. I don't know who I was trying to convince, her, or me. Maybe even both.

We decide to walk down the trails around the lake because we're bored. As we walk we take a few minutes to look at the wilderness around us. Looking to my right, there's tall grass and little yellow flowers. The grass moves and I see a little bunny go running. I smile. I love the outdoors. It's so peaceful. As we're walking the once clear sky darkens with angry looking clouds.

"Hey Te," Jess says. I look at her.

"I know. It looks like it's going to storm," I say.

"Should we turn around?" she asks.

I stop and think about where we're at. "We're already past half way through. We should be back within forty minutes," I say. I doubt the clouds will hold out that long so I quicken my pace, Jessy does the same thing.

There's a loud crash of thunder that causes both Jessie and me to jump and let out tiny squeals of surprise. We look at each other and laugh.

"Lol, same reaction," Jess says once we stop laughing.

"Lol, I know right," I say back.

I get the strange feeling of being watched. Well, I've had the feeling fr awhile now but it wasn't as strong as it is now. I shrug it off. I look over to Jess and can see she looks uneasy.

I like Jess a lot and not only because she's like me but because she's an overall great person and is fun to be around. Both her and I aren't human. Well, we're somewhat human but not purebloods.

I am part cat and part reaper. Jess is part demon part which. Though I'm not a which I still have magic of my own. That's thanks to Jess. As young kids Jess accidentally said a spell and gave half her magic to me. Don't get me wrong, Jess is helluve strong with even half her magic. Her father was a pureblood witch and her mother a demon. Because her father is a pureblood that makes her a lot more powerful. As for my parents I don't know. I've never met them. I was adopted by a young demon couple when I was five. They're nice. I don't like my half brother though. He's not nice. He makes me do things I don't want to.

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