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*Has miled cursing*

Word count:1830

I'm free. Well, not quiet yet. I'm finally out of that pit but I still have this magical sopping collar and wrist locks on me. I do have the key but I have to use magic to get them off while using the key. These damn high tec, ultra strong magic stoping monstrosities don't allow me to even get to the magic within me.

What matters is that I managed to escape and I have the key with me. Good thing I at least have the ability to make these damn things invisible and visible as I wish. The right wrist lock stops my ware animal side. The left stops my ability to manipulate the atoms in the air to my will and this cursed caller stops my magic. None of that takes away my ability to fight.

As a young girl I was taken in by a God and trained by him. He cared for me like I was his child. I intend to find him and go back home. I don't know if my family is still living but he's a God which are hard to kill so he has to still be alive and I have to find him.

I lived with him from the age 8 to 102. Yes, I know that probably classifies me as old but I'm an immortal and being one as I am that actually makes me still young. I am now almost 212. I've been away from him for 110 years.

I look around for signs of danger and when I see none I break into a run, hoping I'm heading for a town. One thing they could never stop is my ability to heal, fight poison and understand different tongues. Is not magic that heals me. Its my DNA. They can't stop DNA even if they tried and trust me, they have, many, many, many times. It actually got funny a how many times they failed. Hurt me but it was still funny.

I run for a long time. I run for hours. It strained my body and caused me to pull a leg muscle but my body rapidly heals and gives me energy so I could probably run for days until I have to stop and rest. They would give me shots to keep my energy down but now the joke is one them.

I eventually get to a town. I've passed four town in the process of two days running straight. I stop, panting for breath. I need food and I need rest. I walk in the town in the old clothes I managed to snag from a town I passed by and I look around.

It's been so long since I've been able to see good people. It's been so long since I've seen sunlight in general. It's nice. Suddenly my animal side senses danger. They may have been able to keep the cat part o me from showing but they were never able to completely get rid of it.

I walk towards the feeling and sure enough, I see it. I evaluate the situation. Okay. There's a girl being held captive with a knife. The mother is crying on the ground and there's some powerful feeling beings trying to save the girl. I shrug. If I can help then why not?

I keep in the shadows until I'm being the men. In a swift motion I lunge forwards, twist his arm, causing him to drop the knife, move in front of him and push him to the ground by kicking him in the chest. He goes down and I go for the next one who blinks in shock.

He takes a step back, holding his hands in the air but the one on the other side of me comes at me. I don't react right away to make him think he's got me but then at last second I take a step back so he falls to the ground. He quickly and ungracefully gets up and comes at me. He seems human. Why not scare him?

I don't need my cat side to growl, I know how to do that already. I let out a low threatening grown that makes him hesitate. That's all I needed to take him down. I pretend I'm going to punch him and wist till he starts to react before I swiftly pull down and knock him the the ground by grabbing his legs.

He throws a punch but I dodge. That was poorly aimed and thought out. Who taught him? A child? I grab the knife on the ground and point it at him. He looks at the knife then at me and does this a few times before he goes to come at me again but is slammed to the ground by a guy in all black. I drop the knife and back away.

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