Just Your Average Stalker Turnt Kidnapper

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*Warning(Mature content)*

Also is very-ish long to read, sorry! 


Word count: 8,636

Love: As I'm walking home I turn on my mp3 player and listen to music. Looking down I see part of the sidewalk that have sunk down and are cracked with weeds and grass growing out of the cracks.Then I see a part of the sidewalk that has risen due to a tree root under it. I almost trip over it in the process which causes me to curse.

Ignoring what just happened I continue to walk home and can't ignore that fact I'm positive I'm being watched, if not followed. I hate the feeling but I continue to walk. Upon arriving home I go inside quickly and close the door. Then I do my normal.

First to do chores for about half an hour then I do homework for a full hour then go up to my room and see something odd on my nightstand. It's a note? I open it and read.

Dear Love

It's been awhile dear. I know you know I'm here, I can tell by your behavior. Rest assured you don't need to fear me. Soon my dear. We'll meet soon.

My blood runs cold. He was in my room! Whatever, I'm just going to shower and forget about this.

Getting in the shower the water is too hot but doesn't bother me. I warsh my hair and get out. Going back to my room I get a bad feeling. Why, I don't know but I sure don't like it.

Dustin: I know that she has seen my note because I watched her open it through the window of her room. "Soon Love. Soon we will meet. I don't think it would be good to meet up with her the same day I plant a note in her room and unintentionally watch her shower. So I decide that tomorrow will be better timing for meeting her. More like introducing her to her stalker.

She might not like it but I guess there is a first time for everything whether it be good or bad. This just will be a little more weird than what she is used to happening. I will meet up with her tomorrow and introduce myself. Unless she is showering again. It would be weird introducing myself to her while she is in the shower and I am her stalker.

Love: I get ready for bed after dinner and can't fall asleep. Screw it. My stalker should be asleep in his own bed by now. So I get up and slip out the back door. I'm going for a walk. If my stalker shows I'll just have to fight him I guess. Well considering I'm currently mad at him fighting him shouldn't be too hard finding the strength to. Just use my anger.

Going into an alley I regret my decision and turn back around. I run straight into someone. "I'm sorry!" I blurt out. I go to scurry around him but he puts an arms around my waist. Say wha now? I try to push him away but that doesn't work. My stalker! It's gosta be him!

Dustin: I was on my way home and I wasn't planning on introducing myself to Love right now but I guess it will work. "What did you think of the note I placed in your room Love?" I ask her which makes her immediately look up at me in shock. The look on her face says "Bitch I will make you regret entering my room." Only if she knew what I have in store for her. A contract is a contract I guess.

Love: I look up at him in angry shock after he says something about the note. I struggle as hard as I can to get away but he pulls me towards him. I do manage to break free but I go stumbling to the side and land against the alley wall. Right as I'm about the make a mad dash for it he's in front of me. Shit, what do I do now?! My stalker is obviously planning something I'm not gonna like. I wonder what his name is?

Dustin: She breaks free for a moment but then runs into the alley wall. I think 'This should be easier than I thought it would be. Considering she just ran full force into the alley wall.' I grab her around the waist and pull out the chloroform rag. I place it over her mouth and she tries to fight it but her resistance is futile. It doesn't take her long to pass out. Since she is out I bring her to my van. I place her in the back seat and tie up her legs and arms. I then close the back door and enter the driver's seat. This vehicle tends to need the key to be turned twice before it kicks into life. As soon as that is done the roar of the engine calms down and I back up and start the long drive to the safe house.

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