Peace in war

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(Word count: 6,683)

*Contains one mature scene*

Joyce: Walking home from my friends house I feel like I'm being watched. Ignoring it I take a short cut down the alley. My mom says to never use the alley as a short cut but its getting dark and I want to be at home. Why do I have a bad feeling something is about to happen?

Aether: Seeing her take the alleyway as a shortcut I mentally say "bad move girl." I walk around the ledge i was on top of as quick as i could with chloroform on a rag behind my back. I approached her moving quieter than a mouse and held up the rag to her mouth but she fought. It took her a minute but she finally collapsed

Joyce: Screaming its muffled by something over my mouth. Struggling my vision becomes black and I'm unconscious

 Aether: She may have screamed but i am not worried about it because it was muffled by the rag. She's prettier than the others but that isn't the point. I hoist her up to where she is on my shoulder and just for shits and giggles i spank her a couple times while i bring her back to the house

Joyce: Blinking my eyes my vision clears. This is not my room! Not my bed either for that fact. Trying to sit up I discover my wrists are chained to the bed but allow me a little leeway to move. Sitting up I look around. Everything looks so foren and old. Where the hell am I? Then I hear the door open and my eyes widen from fear.

Aether: "Why hello doll face. Took you longer to wake up than expected. Didn't your mother tell you never to use an alleyway when it is dark outside. Because something bad may happen

Joyce: "Let me go!" I demand angry now. Standing up I'm slightly yanked back by the chains on my wrists. I look at him and my jaw almost hits the floor. Well hello there! No, he kidnapped me! I can't like him!

Aether: Seeing her jaw drop as soon as she caught sight of me i realize she must like me so i decide to tease her a bit for my amusement

Joyce: I narrow my eyes and start to wonder what he wants from me. What would a hot guy want with me? I'm nothing special so why me? I'm just your advantage teenager minus the fact my hair is snow white and one if my eyes is albino. The other is Skye blue.

Aether: I look at her again and notice she has snow white hair with different colored eyes. Then i walk closer to see what she will do. I say mentally "I am going to have some fun with her"

Joyce: Trying to take a step back the bed is in my way. Oh gawd what's he going to do to me?! I'm literally a child! I'm only 15! Pulling at my chains they dont budge.

Aether: I bring my hand up to her chin and let it rest there. Then i bring my face closer to hers and kiss her. She tries to pull back for a minute but stops which makes me curious.

Joyce: My heart beating fast I try to pull back but stop myself. I don't want to anger him. What If he hurts me? I take a shaky breath in, or worse, kill me. Scared I dont react to him but and to scared to pull back.

Aether:  After I got done kissing her I realized she was breathing heavy and she was shaking like a scared dog. Honestly it is kind of adorable so i climb on the bed with her and start to cuddle with her because i start to get tired

Joyce: Confused I just let him do what he wants. Hes... snuggling with me? I'm not tired tho. Moving to get comfortable I feel something like keys. Looking over I see keys on his waist. My ticket out of here! I wait until he falls asleep then ever so carefully I take the keys off of him and unlock my chains. Putting a pillow in his arms I slip out if the room

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