Marked By The Alpha

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(Word count: 3,690)

Alex: It has been a while since i have eaten and It is getting late. I will have to be back with the pack sooner or later so i have to find a deer fast as i round the hill that is when i see it. A big, fat, juicy deer. I start to get closer quietly until i am in striking distance. Then the deer hears me and start to run. That is when i start the chase. It takes me a minute but i finally catch up to the furry fucker.

Jaycee: Walking through the forest at night I am lost. Where the hell am I?! It's hopeless but I try to turn my dead phone on again. Just like last time it fails. Sighing in frustration I don't know what to do. I'm going to get hurt out here by some animal! As if on cue I hear a mountain lion roar behind me. I scream and back up from it as it stalk up to me getting ready to pounce.

Alex: As i am eating the deer i hear it. A mountain lion roar which makes me hungry. But then i hear a girl scream so i run as fast as i can in the direction of the noise and see it creeping up towards her. I hide my ears, tail, and fangs but keep my claws out. I sneak up to the mountain lion so it doesn't hear me and just as it is about to pounce i jumped onto its back and started the fight.

Jaycee: Seeing a large lookin wolf jump onto the cats back i'm surprised. Wolves don't normally attack something that big unless it's a threat to them or their pack. Looking around I see a large stick. Picking it up I see the lion is about to bite the wolf. I whack the cat as hard as I can and succeed in unfocusing it so the wolf can go in for its neck.

Alex: As i am in the fight with the mountain lion i see the girl hit it in the head with a stick. I think "brave girl" Then I go for the kill biting the lion's neck and snapping the bone with a satisfying *crunch*. I get off of the mountain lion and sit down facing the girl panting.

Jaycee: "You're hurt," I state. Looking around I see what I need. Marigold. Plucking some off I chew them then walk over to the wolf slowly. He lets me do this to I pet him. To my dismay he lets me. Spitting the chewed up marigold into my hand I put it in his wounds. "There, that should help it heal without it getting infected." I tell him. "Oh wait, I need cobweb to put over this so it doesn't fall off," I say looking around for some.

Alex: She chewed up some flower and put it in my wounds from the fight. Then she pet me which felt nice. I then see her look change as if she forgot something then she starts to look around to see if she can find it. Whatever it may be.

Jaycee: "Ahha, I found you at last," I say as I walk over to the cobweb and take some off the tree. I then place it over the wolves wound so the marigold can stay in place. Now I'm lost and have a friend who's a wolf. Might as well just go ahead and talk to him. I already bored and half crazy as it is. "My name is Jaycee. I am kinda lost," I tell him. "Na, like you couldn't guess. Either that or I'm just stupid enough to be out in the forest at night," I say.

Alex: I listen to her say she is lost and that her name is Jaycee. I motion for her to get on my back and hang on tight because I don't plan on moving slowly. I wait for her reaction which she hesitates so I wait longer. Then I get impatient so I walk up behind her and climb under her basically forcing her onto my back.

Jaycee: Surprised I start to think. Wolves aren't normally as tall as I am. I'm 5'2. He's almost as tall as me. He also made me get on his back. Could he be a werewolf? That would be so awesome! "I swear you're a werewolf," I say quietly to myself. No doubt his K9 ears heard me.

Alex: I hear her say "I swear your a werewolf" and I slightly smile but I continue running to the rest of the pack. Once i get there she looks frightened so I turn my head around so she knows she will be safe. I then bring her to my cave and set her down. I am tired from the fight so I curl up around Jaycee and try to fall asleep.

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