Chapter Nineteen

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Hello, Lovelies, 

I hope everyone is having a great day!  Thank you so much for reading Singed!  I truly appreciate everyone who is has read, voted and commented.  You all mean so much to me.

News:  So, I'm still self-editing Sparked.  I know...It takes a while and then, I will be handing it off to my editor, The Queen of the Red Pen, Kim Young and it will be getting a professional edit done.  That will be the end of the editing for Sparked and it will truly be done.  After that, Burned will be going through this process.  I will be doing this with all of my books in the order they were released on Wattpad. I'll try to keep you up to date.  Also, I want to thank everyone who has read, voted and commented on my Nanowrimo project, Jaded.  I truly appreciate it.  

I hope you enjoy this chapter.  If you do, please turn that star orange.  Comments are deeply appreciated.  If you have questions, comment or send me a message.

-XXXX Amanda


Lorelle shook as the rest of our family stared at her waiting for her to speak. Her lips trembled as her gaze moved around the room, settling on Frankie and Jolie with tears in her eyes.

"I'm glad to see you again," she said, softly as two vampires I had yet to meet walked into the room though I had seen them within the mirror. One had a face cut from the same cloth as a model with cut features and bright red-dyed hair. His eyes moved around the room settling on Daniella who was shifting in her chair as she peered at him from beneath her lashes and I knew without confirmation my cousin had found her soulmate.

"I'm Fane," he said, his voice deep as he took an unconscious step toward Daniella before blinking and shaking his head before his full lips stretched into a smile that quivered with uncertainty.

He straightened and turned to the vampire beside him, his blue eyes scanned the room before darkening as he covered his disappointment by running his hand through his ebony hair tipped in bright blue.

"I'm Veil," he said, softly and I gave him a smile I hoped held the promise we would find his mate.

His eyes settled on Lorelle, "Thank you for saving us as much you could in the circumstances," he said, causing her shoulders to relax.

"Don't thank me," she said, her face twisting in pain, "I wasn't able to save many of your families."

Lanie moved toward her, her blue eyes swiping over Lorelle as they darkened in grief, "As someone who lost her grandmother and her parents to the church," she said causing Lorelle to stiffen once more, "You couldn't have prevented it. If you had tried, you would have faced the stake. My parents nor my grandmother would have wanted that. Neither would I."

I glanced around the room, finding two missing, "Where are Dimitri and Gilliam?" I asked, frowning.

"Dimitri is at the bus station," Mrs. Claiborne said, softly, "Awaiting the witch who was on the bus."

"And Gilliam?" I asked, worried he would start more fires and incite more trouble.

"Rachel called the Manor, searching for you and Lanie," Mrs. Claiborne said, her lips tilting in a grin, "She said she woke up this morning thinking of you two. Lanie said you would love to see her and sent your driver Gilliam to pick her up."

My stomach twisted, "So we're waiting for two of our sisters to get here at the same time. That's nerve-wracking."

Mrs. Claiborne stepped forward and placed her hands on Lorelle's shoulders, "We were waiting for three," she said, giving a soft smile to Lorelle, "We're so glad you made it. Your past means nothing to us now."

"I'm not sure about that," I said, giving Lorelle a smile, "She has some information that will help us. It will keep us alive."

"Like what?" Mrs. Claiborne asked, her brows furrowing.

"Like the reason that Margaret didn't burn when I tried to incinerate her," I said, glancing at Lorelle.

"She's a witch...Well, partly...But she's also a demon," Lorelle said, shifting, "She aims to kill you with this," she said producing the vial as every vampire in the room backed away but Lanie who Bastian pulled behind him protecting her with his body."

"What is that?" Bethany asked, frowning.

"It's angel's blood from the sire of every vampire in this room," Mrs. Claiborne said, staring at it with a frown, "It's the only known substance that can kill a vampire."

"Angel?" Bethany asked, frowning.

"The first vampire was a fallen angel who was cursed to become a vampire," Jonathon said, quickly, "He was our sire."

Mrs. Claiborne blinked in confusion, "But he lived before Margaret was-"

"She's much older than you think," Lorelle said, shifting, "She took on a dead woman's identity. She is the reason for the Salem witch trials for every trial in Europe and the British Isles. To kill her we have to destroy the blood. It will produce what is needed to kill her. To destroy this blood, we need your most experienced earth witch."

"That would be Bethany," Mrs. Claiborne said, glancing at Bethany with a frown, "But even though she's more experienced, she is still a novice."

"Then, she needs to train," Lorelle said, biting her lip as she produced the angel's skin, "And this tells us how but it's written in a script none of us recognize."

"I do," Mrs. Claiborne said, pressing her lips thin, "Was it made from the skin of their sire?"

Lorelle nodded, "I believe so."

Mrs. Claiborne's lip trembled, "Then, we'll need the blood of the one who was turned first."

"Dimitri," Jonathon breathed.

"It wouldn't be enough to kill him, would it?" I asked, my heart trembling.

"No, the blood wouldn't kill him," she said, pressing her lips thin, "The trial of the demon may. He would have to defeat the demon she called upon to get the answer of how to kill Margaret."

"Then, we'll help him defeat him," Bastian said, frowning.

"You wouldn't be able to," Mrs. Claiborne said, raising her chin, "He would be in a slumber, fighting him with his mind. Each time he accomplished an obstacle a line of the script would reveal itself and then, the earth witch would have to prove bravery and love to accomplish the rest."

I caught the meaning behind her words. Only a witch truly in love could save him and to do that she would have to be brave. I glanced at Bethany realizing that she was his soul mate but she was still timid and afraid and she would have to face that. Add to that, she had yet to admit her bond to Dimitri and it was a recipe for disaster.

"We can't let him do that," I whispered, my heart aching for Dimitri and Bethany.

"Do you think he would listen," Jonathon said, his face dark with pain, "You know he wouldn't. He's going to do this."

Bethany trembled as tears shined in her eyes. She blinked as the tear fell down her cheek leaving a jagged path and the first sign she truly cared for him.

"Bethany, as the earth witch you would have to be with him the whole time," I said, wanting to embrace her and give her comfort in something where comfort didn't exist.

She straightened, giving me a moment of hope, "He's been the best friend I could ask for," she said, her voice hoarse, "If he does this, I want to be there for him."

I nodded, taking in her trembling form, hoping she would have enough love to help her be brave because if she didn't and Dimitri died, her death would follow.

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