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Hello, Lovelies,

I am back but this time with Izzie and Jonathon's story.  Thank you for joining me and supporting this story.  I truly hope you enjoy it.  There will be a chapter uploaded today along with this Prologue. 

If you do enjoy it, please consider voting.  Comments are appreciated and if you have any questions please comment or leave me a message.

-XXXX Amanda


Fire has changed me in ways that were both good and bad...Both destructive and giving life. In an instance, it destroyed my family, taking my mother and father from me and breaking my heart. However, fire created my new family when a curse was enacted well before I was born to punish those who set out to destroy us binding the descendants of witches as soulmates to a family of vampires who were immortal and hard to kill. Only my best friend, Lanie who was the constant between my old life and new remained. Yet, she was new too. A water witch who had also become a vampire because of that same fire that almost took both of our lives wielded by a fanatical church who believed we were evil and wished for our deaths.

Yet, here I stood among them, Izzie Sutton, same and different. The same because I was a mortal with the same emotions, likes and dislikes as I always had. Yet, still, my power as a witch rested with the same fire that could destroy me...Did destroy me in one way.

I found love I couldn't claim to protect him and yet, when I finally could claim him, he had turned away from me. Jonathon...Though we lived in the same home, I hadn't seen him since he made sure of my safety after I was tied to a stake and almost burned.

Instead, I was left to find the other witches in books upon books in the cold library of The White Rose Manor where I lived, hoping to find them before they were burned at the stake which would end the curse for the church but would begin the curse for the unmated vampires because without their soulmates, they would be forced to live an existence unloved and alone...One where they wished for death that wouldn't come easily. I understood that curse because without Jonathon, I was living it and I could understand how easy it was to want death to end the pain.

Instead of giving over to that misery, I turned another page trying to find a way for the others to be happy. It was a purpose but I wondered in that great vast silence what I would do when that purpose ended?

Singed (The White Rose Vampire Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now