Chapter 16

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Cedra's body begged her to sleep, but instead, she left Ayla and Jay in the cozy inn for the foggy morning outside.

"No, Apel, you'll have to stay here." She stroked the red deer to soothe her nerves. "I'll be back soon."

Cedra stepped off the bridge. Silence. The park she faced was inviting, but she hesitated to leave safety behind. Cold air filled her lungs. This would be the first time she talked to the Mother on her own terms and by her own choice. She had expected Her to yell at once, but no. Still silence. Was this some other kind of manipulation?

She laid a hand on a tree trunk. "Hi - Um - I have an idea I'd like to talk with You about. Are You there?"

Yes, my faithful. What is it? She seemed both irritated and curious.

"We - I mean I - think I know how to make the grey people listen to us - I mean You." Bleeding thorns. So much for rehearsing a speech.

Well go on, the Mother urged.

"If You were to set a few predators on them, as You did to me not long ago, they'd be scared enough to value the advice I'll give them. They wouldn't even have to be injured, fear can be used instead."

The Mother hesitated. What advice might that be?

"How to survive here by following Your rules, and how to make protective amulets."

Silence once more. Cedra forced herself to remain rooted and not pace as her nerves wished.

No. To gather enough predators, sufficient to keep themselves safe, would take far too long. I will not risk My children's lives for a maybe.

"So I'm supposed to risk everything, while You watch from the treeline?"

The Mother's temper rose with her own. To avoid Her outburst, Cedra jumped back on the bridge. What could she possibly say to persuade the Mother? Threaten Her? A Goddess?

Cedra walked back and forth over the ignorantly calm water. Could she promise Her something? What could she give that the Mother wasn't already able to take? She paced some more before coming to terms with the only offer she could make.

She stepped off the bridge, her throat dry as autumn leaves. "If You agree to do this, I'm going to treat You as Ross did. I'll never defy You again."

And if I do not? I could still replace you.

Cedra threw back a wild guess. "Not if I leave. I could sail away with the first possible ship without You stopping me."

Where would you go? She scoffed.

"I don't know, wanna see if You're able to follow?" To prove her point, and duck Her wrath, Cedra stepped back over the water. Hopefully, the Mother wouldn't be able to tell she guessed her way forward.

If it came down to it, Cedra would leave. She wouldn't have to go far, hopefully. If she kept herself just out of the Mother's reach, Ayla and Jay could come to visit.

Cedra steeled herself and stepped onto the stone road.

The Mother remained silent.


I accept your offer. It will take time to gather My children. When I am done, I expect you to be ready. Once this is over and the grey filth knows their place, you will remain in My forest and follow My instructions.


Cedra returned to Ayla and Jay, who had stayed awake as barely as a tree could be considered a forest. They fell asleep instantly once she'd briefed them of her meeting. She, however, stared herself blind at the ceiling. Had she really traded her soul, or as good as, for some people she'd barely met?

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