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22. ghost of you ;
inspired by 5sos song
i love you<3

i decided that staying with my brother was the best thing to do.

as i was unpacking all of the things in my bag, i noticed an unfamiliarly small looking shirt.

but my brother interrupted my thoughts saying it was time for dinner so i brushed it off and went downstairs to eat.

after eating i felt so tired, i realized i hadn't gotten much rest in awhile.

i just dumped out the clothes in my bag and moved everything off the bed so i could relax and get some much needed sleep.

my last thought before i let sleep take over is ileana.

i just hope she's alright..

it's been almost two months since i left.

i just needed time you know?

there was way too many things going on and it felt like everyone was keeping things from me.

my thoughts are interrupted by my loud ass brother and i hear him call at me,

"lukeeee!" i hear jack from downstairs.

"comingggg!!" i yell back with a sigh.

what could this fucker possibly want?

let me find out he wants to go get a pet or something crazy like that.

i jog down the stairs and see jack standing with a basket in arm.

"luke, you need to do laundry, i've been doing it, but i gotta go to work so i need you to fold all this and if anything is mine just put it on my bed." he says while handing me the basket.

"ughhhh, fine." i say not really wanting to fight him about it cause he has been doing the laundry..

i take the laundry up to my room and dump everything out.

i sit there for about 35 minutes folding and by now i'm just over it!

but, there's one shirt left, a little small and unfamiliar and i wonder if it's jack's girlfriend's shirt.

i pick up the gray shirt and when i open it up all the way, i immediately recognize it.

it's a led zeppelin shirt.

i gave it to ileana for her 13th birthday when she ran away from her aunt's house.

it became her favorite shirt and she would wear it non-stop.

and she would always leave it at my house for the nights she stayed over, to ensure it was always safe.

ahh, my ileana, always worrying about what could possibly go wrong..

suddenly my throat feels tight and my chest starts to hurt.

i haven't slept next to ileana or so much as looked at her in so long..

the first night i came, i couldn't sleep..

i remember listening to the loudest music i could.

anything to drown out the thoughts of me and ileana.

anything to make her leave my mind..

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