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19. not like the movies ;
inspired by katy perry
i love you all<33

"ileana! move!"

was all I heard before getting hit in the face with something hard.

a volleyball i'm guessing because that's what we were playing for gym.

gym. the class i hate most.

most normal people hate it and those who are athletic enjoy it.

but, if you're like me and can barely walk in a hall without falling then you'd understand why i absolutely despise it.

what am i saying?

no one's like me,i'm not normal

i was interrupted from my thoughts by the voice I easily recognized as ashton .

"ileana! are you okay!?"

i couldn't open my eyes,

i tried to talk but no words came out, all that did was a whining like sound.

"she looks pretty bad dude, should we take her to the nurse?" the voice heard,i recognized, had to be calum.

"no shit we should. let's go."
oh mikey, i think. mentally face palming myself.

i felt arms grab hold of under me.
holding me close to their chest to the point where i no longer shivered from the cold of the gymnasium floor.

we were walking to the nurse and i assume we were just about there when we stopped.

i tried to open my eyes but i was unsuccessful yet again.

what was everyone looking at and why won't my eyes open?

"hey guys."
says an all to familiar voice uncomfortably.

and before anyone can say a word i feel the worst feeling in the pit of my stomach, a falling sensation and then my body came in contact with the ground. i was sure i would see an ugly bruise from this.

this wasn't like in the movies where they had a stunt double fall and then apply a fake bruise.

this wasn't for show.

this was all happening here and now..

"ileana!" ashton says panicked

"calum,what the fuck!?"

my eyes suddenly shoot open and search the room for the voice that made my stomach do flips.

our eyes met
and for a split second i was sure he felt just as i did.

his eyes darted from mine faster than i was able to blink.

calum helped me up and and had his hand supporting me by my waist.


i say barely above a whisper before everything turned black.


okay im taking my ass to bed!

if i try too hard ik i can finish it tonight but i wanted to get this chapter out<3

i love you all<33

pistanthrophobia / l.h - book IOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant